Four Filipino and South Korean national detainees were released after being held last year by armed groups in western Libya as a result of extensive efforts by the United Arab Emirates in cooperation and coordination with the Libyan National Army led by Marshal Khalifa Hafer. The detainees were transferred to Abu Dhabi in preparation for their departure. To their country.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said three detainees with Philippine citizenship and a fourth South Korean were detained last year by armed groups while working as civilian engineers at a desalination plant in western Libya.

In response to a request for assistance from the Philippines and South Korea, the UAE has been in contact with the Libyan national army to work for their release and to ensure their security and safety, the ministry said.

As a result of the fruitful cooperation and coordination between the UAE and the Libyan national army, led by Marshal Khalifa Hafer, efforts to search and find the detainees have continued. They have been safely recovered and are being repatriated.

The release of innocent civilians follows intensive efforts to send a positive and important message to the priority of strengthening security and peace in Libya and to reduce the criminal practices of armed groups, which are constantly holding civilians, without regard to international norms and norms. For the benefit of institutions serving Libya and its people.

The statement concludes that the release of these innocent people will bring them together with their families and repatriate them after long suffering.