“Sergey’s team is great work and real hard workers. Everyone can see the same assessment of the production in numerous comments. I think there is nothing to add to this, ”said Samoilova.

In her opinion, "a high result is the merit of the entire production team."

“The performer is required to do one thing: to cope with his main competitor — himself,” the singer added.

In turn, the TV presenter, music producer and member of the national jury of Eurovision-2018 Yana Rudkovskaya, in an interview with the TV channel 360, commented on the message that after Lazarev's speech, his positions at bookmakers were shaken.

“The reaction of bookmakers is the reaction of people who make bets. The Dutchman now has 40% to win. This is a sensation, and not that Sergey is now in sixth place. They are all there side by side. Sergey is in the same position with everyone, and the Dutchman has gone far ahead ... He has a higher chance of a higher position, although I like Sergey more, ”Rudkovskaya said.

Earlier it was reported that Lazarev reached the final of the international contest "Eurovision-2019".