Who will win Eurovision 2019 this Saturday in Tel Aviv? As every year, bookmakers predict the future winner, and this year is no exception to the rule. So who are the favorites of this edition?

Which country will succeed Israel, winner last year thanks to Netta Barzilai and her song Toy ? To find out, it will be necessary to wait until Saturday evening, during the grand finale of the Eurovision, diffused on France 2. But the bookmakers already have their small ideas. Europe 1 takes stock of their favorites and the chances of victory of France, represented by Bilal Hassani and his title King .

The Netherlands favorites, ahead of Sweden and Australia

They have not won Eurovision since 1975, but that does not stop them from being the bookies' favorites: the Netherlands, led by Duncan Laurence and his title Arcade, have a 37% chance of winning. , according to the Eurovision World site, which lists daily the odds of all betting sites. The Dutch singer, 24 years old, little known in his country despite a participation in The Voice in 2014 and a journey to the semifinals, tells in his title pop an unhappy love story.

In the game of predictions, the Netherlands are ahead of John Lundvick and Sweden - 12% of the chances to win - and Australia with Kate Miller - Heidke, 8% chance to triumph on the stage of the Convention Center from Tel Aviv. Holding the title, Israel, represented by Kobi Marimi, would have no chance to keep his trophy, according to Eurovision World . The odds of an Israeli victory this Saturday range from 201/1 to 740/1! A madness.

France in eighth position

And Bilal Hassani, then? The French, chosen to represent France on the show Destination Eurovision , is ranked eighth place in the contenders for victory, with a 4% chance of winning, according to the same source. A score very far from the 37% of the Netherlands, but the trend is however slightly up. Last Saturday, just one week before the final, Bilal Hassani was only 13th in the list of favorites, with only a 2% chance of winning. By way of comparison, last year, Madame Monsieur and their Mercy title finished in thirteenth place, a position they were among bookmakers a few days before the contest. France has not won Eurovision since 1977 ...