While the High Health Authority believes that homeopathy should no longer be reimbursed, the pharmacist Gilles Bonnefond pleads to maintain a regulated price.


The path of the derogation of homeopathy is now open. The High Authority of Health (HAS) issued Friday a recommendation "unfavorable" to the maintenance of the reimbursement of homeopathic products by the Health Insurance, in a preliminary opinion of assessment relayed by several media and confirmed by the manufacturer Boiron. Health Minister Agnès Buzyn had indicated that she would follow the advice of the HAS. With the risk of significantly increase prices, according to the pharmacist and president of the union of pharmacy pharmacists Gilles Bonnefond.

"There are two ways to get rid of it, the first being a brutal way of saying that it is no longer reimbursed, and the consequence for the laboratory, in order to make up for lost volumes, is to multiply prices by two. or three and everyone will be dissatisfied in this case, because patients will blame the minister, "Gilles Bonnefond fears at the microphone of Matthieu Belliard, on Europe 1. Today at 2.20 euros, the price of a homeopathy tube could climb up to 8 euros, as is the case in neighboring Italy.

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Maintain a regulated price ... but not refunded

But according to the pharmacist, another way of reimbursement is possible, maintaining a regulated price on homeopathy, but the refundable portion would not be supported by the Secu. It would be then by the mutual, and prevent laboratories from driving prices too far.

Today "these drugs are reimbursed at 30% by the mandatory regime.If we pass them in orange vignette at 15%, we do not completely desegregate but (...) when we are at 15%, and at a price too weak that is the tube of pellets, the Health Insurance does not reimburse any more.There is only the complementary who can then take charge if it wishes, and depending on the contract signed ", details Gilles Bonnefond.

Avoid turning to alternative medicine

"The advantage in this case is that the minister can say: 'I have paid off homeopathy, but in return I do not give freedom to laboratories to multiply the price by 4', because by putting the sticker orange at 15%, we stay on regulated prices ", continues the pharmacist, arguing for this option" temporary "which would thus avoid a sharp additional cost for patients under homeopathy.

"Patients accustomed to homeopathy do not want to take anything else (...) And I would not want because of the derogation, they have recourse to alternative medicine, much more dangerous, less controlled, which can pose a problem", concludes the pharmacist.