The Emirates Society for Human Rights (EHHR) praised the amnesty of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, for the convicted member of the secret organization of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Abdulrahman bin Sabih Al Suwaidi, after he announced his repentance and disowned his sale to the organization. To the Head of State.

The Assembly described in a statement the amnesty decree issued by His Highness the President of the State by the paternal decree, which represents the highest meaning of amnesty when it is possible, especially since the decision coincided with the Year of Tolerance adopted by the State as a slogan for the year 2019 and solidifies the meaning of amnesty and parental mercy and good thinking when they return from their sin and declare repentance .. It also establishes the principles of social cohesion that characterizes the UAE society, especially between the leadership and the people, emphasizing the principles of love, forgiveness and tolerance.

The resolution affirms the highest human and human rights principles that ensure that any transgressor can erase these abuses and any effect on them as soon as the individual returns from his mistakes and encourages him to return to re-engage in society as one of his productive members who promote his growth and development.

The Assembly stressed in its statement that tolerance and amnesty is a fixed feature of the UAE, which has long been obtuse and exceeded the mistakes of all those who acknowledged his error and corrected his path and his idea .. He indicated that the amnesty is always available to those who return to the national constants and defend the interests of the state and maintain, Thought lost.

The UAE is keen to embrace all its people who review themselves, and correct their positions and attitudes that were detrimental to the interest of the country did not close the door to those who return to his senses, and discover the slander of the schemes of brotherhood targeting the state and its interests.