Five alleged brothel operators have been prosecuted by the Frankfurt Attorney General. Among other things, it is about the charge of forced prostitution and pimping.

The allegations are directed against four Thai and one German citizen between the ages of 49 and 63, as Attorney Alexander Badle said. Together with other accomplices, they should have set up a nationwide network in order to infiltrate transsexual women from Thailand by plane to Germany so that they can pursue prostitution.

The women worked in brothels first in Siegen and then nationwide in other places, including Maintal, Rodgau, casting, Rastatt, Speyer and Saarbrücken. The defendants are also accused of commercial and gang infiltration of foreigners, exploitation of prostitutes, withholding and misappropriation of pay and tax evasion.

More than 1500 federal police officers searched a total of 62 brothels, apartments and offices in North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse, Lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg on 18 April last year. Seven suspects were arrested, including the accused.

According to the information provided by the Frankfurt authorities in the complex against a total of 49 defendants. Proceedings against five accused were handed to other prosecutors. It was the biggest search operation in the history of the Federal Police so far.