A 16-year-old girl killed herself in Malaysia after publishing an opinion poll on her social networking site, Ingrid, in which she asked her followers whether she should die or not, and 69% of her followers voted for the death option. According to the site of the newspaper "Guardian" British.

Police in Sarawak, eastern Malaysia, said the girl, who preferred not to be named, published the survey on her account with the message: "Help me choose D / L." A reference to the choice between life and death.

The result was that most of the followers voted for "death," and then killed herself.

The girl's death prompted the lawyer and deputy in the northwestern state of Penang to signify that those who voted for "death" could be guilty of inciting suicide.

"Would this girl have survived if the higher voter turnout had been in favor of" life, "Singh said," did the vote really affect her decision to end her life? " "Since the attempt to commit suicide is a crime in this country, the incitement to commit suicide may be the same," he said.

"We pray to the family of this young girl," said Cheng Ye Wong, director of communications at Ingrid.

As part of our own efforts, we urge everyone to use our reporting tools and contact emergency services if they see any behavior that puts people's safety at risk, "he said.