The cucumber belongs to the same family of pumpkin and melon, a fruit rather than a vegetable, a 95 percent water-rich fruit that is a great choice for people looking for weight loss.

The following is a range of health benefits of the option, according to the site "Boldskay":

1 - reduces the stress: Vitamin B vitamins, especially vitamin B complex, which includes vitamin B 1 and vitamin B 5 and vitamin B 7, and works these vitamins, which relieve the pressure on the nervous system.

2. Weight loss: The option has become a necessary fruit to add to the weight loss diet plan, as the option helps reduce hunger and can be consumed as a snack among foods.

3. Improves brain health: Flavonoids contain anti-inflammatory drugs that are important for promoting brain health, and helps flavonoids enhance the connection of neurons, thus improving the irradiation.

4. Improves digestion: enriched with soluble fiber and water. The option also helps to reduce pH levels in the stomach and helps to combat constipation.

5 - protects the health of the heart: It contains high levels of potassium, which is important to regulate blood pressure, and potassium works to regulate cellular functions.

6. Improve bowel movement: One of the main benefits of regular consumption of the option is that it helps to support normal bowel movement, it is rich in water and soluble fiber, and helps to improve the consistency of exit, and prevent constipation.

7 - Detoxification: to enrich it with water, which makes it a natural treatment to deal with drought or fatigue.

8. Reduces the risk of cancer: It is rich in antioxidants that help prevent oxidation that produces free radicals that can lead to several types of chronic diseases.

9. Improve kidney health: It helps to reduce uric acid levels, thus keeping kidneys in good condition. It is also a natural treatment for kidney cleansing.

10 - Healing stomach ulcers: The cooling feature of the option does a wonderful job, where alkaline helps to heal stomach ulcers, can eat up to two cups of cucumber juice daily.