Benoît Hamon, Ian Brossat, or Florian Philippot, denounce their relegation in the second half of the evening during the two-part debate organized on May 22.

Several heads of the lists in the European elections denounced Tuesday their relegation "scandalous" in the second half of the evening during the double debate organized by France 2 on May 22, seeing a "manipulation" policy, what France Télévisions denies.

The head of the PCF list Ian Brossat announced in a statement Tuesday to seize the CSA and "suspend" his participation in the debate of France 2, which according to him "wants to make the election instead of the voters".

Angry shot.

I have just learned the decision of @ France2tv for its debate of May 22nd. Once again, France 2 wants to make the election instead of voters.

- Ian Brossat (@IanBrossat) May 13, 2019

France 2 will broadcast on May 22 a double debate in the framework of the Political Emission , which will bring together initially six candidates or party leaders (Raphël Glucksmann, Marine Le Pen, Yannick Jadot, Stanislas Guerini, Manon Aubry, Laurent Wauquiez) , which was to bring together Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Ian Brossat, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, François Asselineau, Francis Lalanne, Dominique Bourg, Florian Philippot, Nathalie Arthaud and Benoît Hamon. But several of the guests at this second debate criticized this organization, especially the presence of the leaders of LR, LREM and RN instead of their top names (Bellamy, Loiseau and Bardella) and threatened not to participate.

Delphine Ernotte "gives pledges to the Elysee", accuses Benoît Hamon

Among the most virulent, Benoît Hamon, top of the list Génération.s, directly questioned on Public Senate the president of France Télévisions Delphine Ernotte. "From 11 pm, when people go to bed, we have a 2nd debate with 9, 10, 12 candidates, I do not know, who will share vaguely some time, but is that it? democracy? ", he denounced, reproaching Delphine Ernotte for having wanted to give" some wages to the Elysee ".

# TDInfos @ benoithamon denounces the organization of the debate of May 22 on France 2: "Mrs. Ernotte, whose renewal of the mandate is in progress, gives pledges to the Elysee."

- Public Senate (@publicsenat) May 14, 2019

Jean-Christophe Lagarde, the head of the UDI list, denounced his side a "scandalous attitude on the part of the public service", while Nicolas Dupont-Aignan slammed a "scandalous manipulation of the election by France 2 and France Inter" (who will co-broadcast this evening). As for Florian Philippot, he criticized "an incredible mark of disrespect" towards the voters.

Asked by AFP, Thomas Sotto, co-presenter of The Political Emission , vigorously rejected these reproaches. "On the merits, we met rigorously and scrupulously the criteria of representativeness of the CSA" (which include the polls, the number of parliamentarians, the contribution to the electoral debate ...), he assured.