They fired from deterrent guns, braked other vehicles and blocked the lanes: On February 8, stopped the police in on the A3 in Lower Franconia, an auto convoy with 15 vehicles.

Now investigators have confiscated 14 driver's licenses. They should have been involved in the motorcade at Hösbach in the district of Aschaffenburg. It is being investigated against 40 accused persons, said police and prosecutors. The suspicion is among others on serious breach of the peace, violations of the weapons law and endangerment of road traffic.

From the driving, decorated with Turkish national flags cars were fired from several deterrent guns, according to the investigators.

Since last Tuesday, the police have collected the driving licenses in the district of Aschaffenburg and in Hesse, as it was said. Eleven of them were confiscated in the course of coordinated searches.

Motorcyclists, especially from Turkish wedding companies, had recently caused a sensation in North Rhine-Westphalia. "Highways and inner cities are not private ballrooms," NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) said in mid-April. According to a spokeswoman from the beginning of May, the local Ministry of the Interior has begun to compile a picture of the phenomenon of sprawling wedding celebrations and to keep separate statistics on the incidents.