After the abuse series on a campsite in the North Rhine-Westphalian town of Lügde, the investigators have apparently passed their final report to the prosecutor. This is reported by the "Westfalen-Blatt".

In addition, the newspaper writes that several victims have been forced to sexually abuse other children themselves. A child made a statement to the Kriminalpolizei in Bielefeld. This is judged according to the sheet as credible.

According to the investigators, the main culprit is said to have abused 28 children, his accomplice 18. As the newspaper further reports, some rape victims were still small children.

One of the two men is said to have forced some of his victims at the campsite, in turn, to abuse other children. He should have guided and filmed them.

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Guido Kirchner / DPANRW Minister of Interior on abuses in Lügde "Not excluded that there is still a victim"

The earliest cases of abuse of the main accused should already have come in the nineties. They are now barred. (Read more about the case here.)

As the "Westfalen-Blatt" continues to report, the Attorney General Detmold is expected to raise first charges this week on the basis of the documents now presented.