Thank you Mama! Mother's Day is used around the world to thank one's mother. Actor Ben Affleck paid tribute not only to his mum that day, but also to his ex-wife Jennifer Garner.

"A nice Mother's Day to the two incredible mothers who showed me the importance of love," he wrote on Instagram on Sunday for a photo of the two women. Affleck and Garner were married for ten years, 2015, the two announced their separation. The 46-year-old and the 47-year-old have three children.

Check out this post on Instagram

Happy Mother's Day to the two incredible mothers who have shown the meaning of love. Today I am making donations to two organizations in their honor: @ cut50's #DignityForIncocatedWomen's Campaign, a national initiative to help reduce the prison population while making our communities safer, and @NationalBailout, an incredible organization that works with groups all over the country on Mother's Day to bail out black moms and caregivers, provide supportive services and fellowship opportunities to help end money bail and pretrial detention.

A post shared by Ben Affleck (@benaffleck) on May 12, 2019 at 8:12 PDT

Affleck was not the only celebrity praising mothers' achievements on Sunday. Former US President Barack Obama called wife Michelle "the most caring, brilliant, funniest and most down-to-earth woman" he knows.

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Celebrate Mother's Day greetings: Thank you, Mom!

Mothers also spoke up. Actress Jessica Alba described how her life changed after the birth of her first daughter: "I became a gentle, vulnerable, sincere woman." There is no greater gift for her than being the mother of her three children.

Diane Kruger showed up on Instagram for the first time together with her daughter. "I'll love you forever," the actress wrote to the photo showing her offspring on the beach.