The destruction of four merchant vessels in the waters of the Sea of ​​Oman has not only harmed the UAE as the target of this vandalism, but has damaged the international community as a whole. The safety and integrity of international waterways is one of the responsibilities of the international community. Is a direct and direct threat to the global energy corridors, which is undoubtedly a serious matter affecting regional and global peace and security.

The Gulf States have always called for an end to any hostile acts that threaten the safety of maritime navigation. They have always called for the international community to act decisively to stop any reckless acts that threaten global maritime trade and energy corridors. Now the world has proven its claims and its expectations are true. , There are those who act with caution, there are those who manufacture the threat industry and destabilize international peace and security. Therefore, today the international community is required to take a firm stand against this threat to the stability of the world.

This subversive action comes at a time when the Arab region in general, and the Gulf region in particular, are in unprecedented situations, standing on the edge of the abyss and threatened by a new war between Iran and the United States or by a war of " Tehran will return to enriching uranium again, which means the aggravation of the situation and the introduction of the region into an arms race, and in a permanent tension that harms security and stability, and harms the interests of most countries and peoples of the world.

What happened in the Sea of ​​Oman is a sabotage act directed against merchant ships, which constitutes a violation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides for the right to transit of all States, even in the territorial waters of other States. And the attack on all customs and traditions in force internationally, so the world's countries are required to move to secure international shipping lines, and ensure freedom of trade and security of the sea.

Major powers and international bodies must intervene to prevent the territorial domination of States over their neighbors and vital waterways and not allow agents to wage proxy wars on their behalf, given the grave dangers posed by the practice of such a policy and its threat to international peace and security. It is no longer acceptable for the world to face such threats to international navigation with a negative attitude and unjustified indifference, as long as the world is united in the fight against terrorism and the security of the sea.

In the midst of this charged atmosphere, the UAE may, despite the fact that subversive acts have taken place outside its territory, take appropriate action against those found to be behind such attacks from "terrorist organizations" or "enemy states", in order to preserve Its interests and guarantee the freedom of navigation to serve the countries of the world as a whole, a legitimate right in these circumstances.

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