++++ Attention, spoiler! If you do not want to know what's going on in the fifth episode of Season 8 of "Game of Thrones," you should stop reading. ++++

The Final Squad "Game of Thrones" is coming to an end, but this exhausted scam is not fun anymore: The script hurries from battle to battle, in between characters develop back (Jaime, see also the analysis to episode 4), or simply somewhere else (Daenerys, more on that later). The joint battle against the zombie army, which had been jazzed up since the very first episode (!) To the biggest brutal Bambule in TV history? Long forgotten! Even if it always sounds somewhat reactionary: When the wall was still standing, much was better. On the other hand: reversing now brings nothing more - a setting that seems to be shared, at least with the characters. So was the penultimate episode "Game of Thrones":

What happened: Daenerys drifts on Dragonstone into conspiracy theories, denies food, the snow-white braided hair frills also something. Sometimes she is even right in her paranoia : Jon-fan Varys is punished for his breach of faith classic: kite fun . (However, his friendship with Tyrion no longer scratch that though he betrayed him - the most beautiful Bromance ever since Jon, well, did not care about Sam at some point.)

Speaking of which: Jon appears habitually self-parodistically as Aufzieh-Baby-Born in leather with a limited sentence repertoire on: "Will not throne / Daenerys is my queen." Great doubt that he still sees it at the end of this episode. He also denies Daenery's nephew-love services, an action on which she, so perhaps the rough idea of ​​scriptwriters, bids farewell to reason: "I'm just scared, I have no love."

Jaime is captured on the way to Cersei by Daenerys' troops - a ominous pseudo-obstacle, but at least reminiscent of good old times, when Jaime was still a plausible incest dude and from the dungeon with Catelyn Stark-cut rhetoric Duels delivered. Now Tyrion frees him, who wants to prevent Daenerys King's Landing burns in revenge for Missandei completely: Jaime is to run away with Cersei, capitulating the city. A plan, so naïve, that one day it becomes clearer how little human knowledge really is behind Tyrion's strategy chatter.
Arya and Hound , coming to King's Landing, are a bit of a hilarity because they are Arya and Hound and are coming to King's Landing.
The battle begins (by the way, Dothraki is still surprised to see Dothraki alive after the kamikaze "Living Torch" action against the Walkers before two episodes):

Gray Worm , always not the most talkative and since Missandei's death now completely in cold rage, supplies himself with Jon some of the most unmoved viewing duels in TV history: one wants revenge, the other ... alas, let's leave. Jon runs like everyone else Battle heroic, but largely useless around - purposeful not where really what happens. Eventually rattles behind his smooth forehead, the realization that unconditional loyalty to a madman also has its bad side. And rattles. And rattles. Here we are at the ...

... loveliest character reversal of this episode (and possibly the entire series): The populist Dragon Queen, always ruthless against those who did not follow, but full of kindness especially to the "little people", opts for merciless violence: The Iron Fleet is being torched by Drogon with Daenerys, but also King's Landing - families, children and all that inclusive. Even though Cersei's groups had already surrendered.

Watching the destruction from the tower, Cersei admirably lays hold on the idea that her mercenary soldiers would fight for her, while Drogon casually pulls demolition shifts through King's Landing like a particularly thorough lawnmower. Only that the grass is human and the blade is a sea of ​​flames. To be honest, the "Long Night" before two episodes was not nothing compared to that day.

Who dies: The Hound takes his brother after an unnecessarily long and uncomfortably brutal duel with the death (incidentally, a classic problem of horror movies on a small scale: Staffellang saw you from the Mountain almost only red eyes behind narrow slits and wriggled in horror you have a pale, purple-headed head and it's okay.)

Euron, after all, remains stable in his ass and dies in a nonsense duel with Jaime. He will eventually reach his sister, she throws herself into his arms. Everything on top so. Respectively on the end: In the embrace the vault goes down on the two lovers. Pity, almost unworthy. Where: Maybe it does not matter. "Nothing else matters, only us," says Jaime. But as he kept the relationship to his sister more flexible, we preferred him anyway.

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"Game of Thrones": The episode before the end

Especially implausible: In addition to Daenerys' turnaround: Arya, who hears shortly before the target on the Hound - and retreats: Thanks and Ciao. Other open question: How much fire volume does such an adult dragon have? If Drogon had performed like this in Winterfell, could not the Battle of the Walkers have been saved?

Was there anything good? It all looks very nice. Cut, staging - top. Especially nice: Arya, who miraculously survives in the foreseeable future, wakes up in a totally ruined King's Landing. There are burnt babies lying around her on the ground, but in front of her is a white horse, dancing ash flakes and sunlight. Czech fairytale film meets war's end meets Instagram.

What we want: Arya opens a new list with only one name on it: Daenerys. Not only did she eradicate her future home, she also disqualified herself completely morally - with moral categories playing no role in the actual wedding of the series. Maybe so, in the spirit of Jaimes: All at the beginning.

What we really want: Drogon melts the throne. Everyone is going home.

Here you can read what happened in the first episode of Season 8.
Here is the overview of episode 2,
about this episode 3
and here about episode 4.
Here the SPIEGEL editors wrote down what they wish for the end of the series.