In the UK, on ​​the 50th year of his life, the frontman of the music band The Prodigy Keith Flint passed away.

The creator and team member Liam Howlett told Instagram that the musician had committed suicide.

“These messages are true. I can not believe that I am saying this, but this weekend, our Kit committed suicide. I am shocked to the depths of my soul, wildly angry, confused and heartbroken. Rest in peace, ”the musician wrote.

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It was a shouting and a heart that wasn’t disturbed by the riad brother Liam #theprodigy

Publication from The Prodigy official (@theprodigyofficial) March 4th, 2019 at 4:13 am PST

Earlier edition of The Sun reported that the body of the musician was discovered on Monday morning at his house in Dunmow in Essex County in the south-east of England. According to law enforcement officials, there is no reason to believe that the death of an artist is criminal in nature.

On their Facebook page, The Prodigy members called the musician "a real pioneer, innovator and legend."

The singer of The Chemical Brothers Ed Symons, commenting on the death of a colleague, wrote on his microblog on Twitter:

“It was always so fun with him, and he was kind to Tom (Rowlands. - RT ) and to me when we started doing the first joint shows. Great person".

Both DJ and journalist Joe Wiley and British TV presenter and model Jody Marsh expressed their condolences in connection with the death of the musician. Members of the team Chase & Status also expressed condolences to the musician’s close friends.

“The tragic news of the death of the legendary singer The Prodigy Keith Flint literally devastated us. Our thoughts, with his family and friends, express our deepest condolences to them. We owe everything that we have to Kit and the revolutionary music that The Prodigy created and popularized. Rest in peace, ”wrote musicians from Chase & Status.

Deep grief over the death of Flint was expressed by singer Beverly Knight, former frontman of the Million Dead group Frank Turner and British singer Matt Willis.

The death of the British vocalist was commented on by Russian musicians. DJ Groove called Flint the man who created The Prodigy, and TV presenter Yana Churikova compared the musician to "the great ones of the past."

“Even in spite of the fact that only then we began to understand their work and understand where these or other samples came from, what music styles were sent to work, it was more than music. There is a feeling that some things should always be with you. Keith Flint made an impression of an eternal person, ”she said in an interview with RT.

Flint's Image - The Prodigy's Business Card

Keith Charles Flint was born on September 17, 1969 in East London, where he spent his childhood. In the mid-1970s, his family moved to Essex, and Keith began attending a local school. He spent his youthful years in the city of Braintree.

According to media reports, Flint did not hesitate to build a full-fledged career. For some time, the future musician traded on the market stalls in Israel.

The end of the 1980s was fateful for Flint - after returning to Britain, the musician met then DJ Liam Howlett. Inspired by the creativity of the latter, Flint insisted that he begin to perform his tracks on stage as part of a group with Flint and his friend Leer Thornhill. So in 1990, the band The Prodigy was formed.

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Since the formation of the group, Flint and Thornhill have been involved in it only as dancers. However, in 1996, Flint tried his hand at a new role, performing the hit Firestarter. In the video for the composition, the musician appeared in a new extravagant image, which later became the hallmark of the British group.

In the third studio album of The Fat of the Land, Flint has already played four singles. The album became one of the most commercially successful in the entire career of The Prodigy and sold over 2.5 million copies in the United States.

The Prodigy together with bands such as The Chemical Brothers and The Crystal Method became one of the founding members of the Big Beat variety in electronic music.

As music critic Andrei Bukharin noted in a conversation with RT, one of the first British team managed to transfer electronic music from clubs to stadiums.

“The Prodigy was the main band that suddenly turned club electronic music into the stadium scale. She became a large stadium group in the manner of great rock bands. In our country, they were very loved along with Depeche Mode, Rammstein ... Keith Flint’s untimely departure in the worst traditions of rock-and-roll, I think, the group’s myth finally cements, ”says Bukharin.

However, Flint experimented with several solo projects, including Flint and Clever Brains Fryin '. However, the relative commercial success was achieved only by the single Aim4.

In December last year, it was reported that the British electro-band was supposed to be the headliner of the seventh Park Live music festival, which will be held from July 12 to July 14, 2019 in Gorky Park in Moscow. This is not the first participation of the team in Park Live - the group came to Moscow in 2014.

In addition, in May 2019 the team had to go on a tour of the United States.