As great and as comforting as it would be, the fact that the fine arts can help us in their various forms from the multiple messes in which we are just sinking into mazes, unfortunately does not seem realistic.

Even if there are books that recommend the appropriate novels for special worries and with "Goes!" now also a three-part comedy attempt to pulverize diesel dilemma, Eisbärsterben and Bildungsmisere in laughter: That works, one suspects it already, so medium.

When host Sebastian Pufpaff and his comedian panel take on a rich range of troubles, this is at first sophistic gimmickry; the fun of devious ideas for solutions - quasi one of those just as popular bizarre-inventions-heroes-programs in joke form.

What do you do when people on the street walk too slowly in front of you, but still too fast to overtake them, for example, a man asks from the street, and Philip Simon makes a special buzzing sound, half-roaring, half moaning with which you can reliably get people to jump worriedly aside.

Deposit machines with schnapps blaming

In addition to these Problempetitessen dedicated to each comedian a larger dilemma in its own standup. Torsten Sträter proposes wooden inflatables and potato-filled ball baths to curb plastic flooding. Tahnee advises deposit machines with Schnapsblaming equipment to convince people to drink less alcohol.

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"Go then!" on ZDF: Plemplem answers to unpleasant problems

Pufpaff himself wraps himself in order to be able to get into the city center despite the diesel driving ban, only to the blast film mummy and then sent as a parcel - which is then thrown by a lazy delivery man, of course, a staircase. A true "nonstop nonsense" memory gag.

Also at least three bearded Philip Simon's proposed solution for the educational misery therefore, the story just instagrammgemäßgemäß want to portion and muses on a possible Insta profile of Julius Caesar. This gag is now as watered down as hipster jokes about acai bowls. Olaf Schubert finally says that he now lives vegan, and "between meals it works quite well". Oh yo

Although the gags are of fluctuating quality, the format of "Goes!" its charm - especially when the spun ideas in Dadaist absurdity tilt. And thus while watching the desired, momentarily escapist relief create, but also leave absolutely unambiguous that the more serious of the problems addressed can not just laugh away.

"It's okay!", Tuesday, 10:45 pm, ZDF