Mobilization started early this Saturday, November 17, in Avranches (Manche). Contrary to what was planned, no blocking of the A84 is operated.

About sixty people gathered this Saturday morning, around 6:30 am, in Avranches, at the Moncreton roundabout to discuss the day's instructions. The demonstrators then dispatched themselves between strategic points of the city. Namely Moncreton and Cromel, near the Bay Activity Park. By 10 am, the number of yellow vests had doubled.

What was supposed to be a motorway blockage is not one. The circulation is fluid on this section of the A84. The demonstrators let the cars pass on the roundabouts, stopping them only fifteen minutes, under the watchful eye of the gendarmerie.

"A motorway blockage would have been far too dangerous"

For the squadron leader of the Avranches company, Grégory Van Blitz "the demonstration is a constitutional right but we must make sure that there is no injury or degradation. " And adding: " A motorway blockage would have been much too dangerous for us to allow this. "

For now, the mobilization is done in calm. "As long as it lasts," he says.

Gaël, 37 years old, local shopkeeper, and Jean-Jacques, 62 years old, retirees, can not manage it anymore. | West France

Protesters are not about to move

If the atmosphere is rather good child, the anger is no less great on the side of yellow vests. "Our day is getting really hard," says Daniel, 63, retired. He has been cranking his feet since dawn in a temperature of around 4 ° C and "plan to stay all day and all night if necessary" to be heard by the government.

For Michèle and Jean-Jacques, 62, retired, "the nobles before 1789 are the politics of today. All the directives of the public authorities lack exemplarity. We are taxed even more when the purchasing power does not increase and the public services deteriorate " .

The mobilization is expected to continue all day.