"I tell you the truth: At 50, I can not love a 50-year-old woman": while her statement in Marie-Claire magazine provoked a storm on social networks, Yann Moix defended herself on Monday on RTL. "We are not responsible for his tastes or his inclinations," he said, saying he was "prisoner" of his inclinations.

Avalanche of reactions on social networks. The author, whose new novel Rompre , which tells a sentimental rupture he has lived, just appeared at Grasset, had added that, without disgusting, the bodies of women over 50 years were in his eyes "invisible "and that he preferred" the body of young women, that's all ". Comments that sparked an avalanche of comments Monday on social networks, and inspired replicas of several personalities such as actress Marina Fois who tweeted "More than 1 year and 14 days to sleep with #yannmoix #inchallah it is done" .

More than 1 year and 14 days to sleep with # yannmoix # inchallah it's done

- foïs marina (@foismarina) January 7, 2019

"Wesh, big, we quinquas we did not want your microphone kiki, the good year to you", reacted Valérie Damidot, the host of TF1, while the journalist Colombe Schneck published on Instagram a photo of his buttocks (erased since), throwing him "you do not know what you miss, you and your little paunchy mind".

Wesh, big, we quinquas we did not want your microphone kiki, the good year to you. https://t.co/1hy72MAi1X

- Valérie Damidot (@DamidotValerie) January 6, 2019

"I do not have to answer the court of taste". "I like who I want and I do not have to answer the court of the likes", defended the writer, Monday. "I am a prisoner of myself", "every time I fall into the same patterns," he added, posing as "a sentimental failure that always makes the same mistakes and the same slip". "Good for them and too bad for me", he also launched at the address of the fifties.