Will you give birth or not? There are cases where you are forced to make a heavy choice due to "prenatal diagnosis" to know the condition of your stomach baby.

In the summer of 2015, a woman (37) who received an echo (ultrasound) examination of the first child who got 11 weeks pregnant at an obstetrician clinic in Tokyo was confused by the word told by the doctor. "Because there is swelling, it is highly probable that your child has Down Syndrome"

I was 34 years old. I was looking forward to knowing my child growing up in her stomach. I never thought that I could convey the possibility of Down's syndrome. "I felt that the teacher seemed to be in a serious atmosphere" It was a serious thing. " The husband of the company worker who was called during work (39) also became uneasy.

The doctor explained that at the stage of possibilities, it is determined whether chromosomal abnormality such as Down's syndrome is decided by "amniotic fluid test" which took the needle in the stomach and take amniotic fluid. After being told by the doctor, the woman underwent an examination. It was not thought what to do after the result came out.

About 19 weeks gestation, a doctor informed me that a child of a stomach is Down Syndrome. Artificial abortion is determined by law and it is decided to be less than 22 weeks gestation. The doctor asked as soon as to abort. "I will make an appointment for abortion surgery," husband. A woman who wanted to think about it calmly answered the doctor "Please let me think it," decided to discuss with a couple.

My husband said, "I can nurture my children, but I do not know what will happen to this girl when they are gone." The woman said, "In the future may be a society where people with Down's syndrome are more likely to live, I want to give birth."

Still, "even if she gave birth to this girl ...