News from the island

  • Chauvism .. Experience that ended with the trap of authoritarianism in Venezuela
  • Maduro clings to power and warns the United Nations of the collapse of the situation in Venezuela
  • The sad story that is repeated in Venezuela: crises, revolutions and governments de facto
  • Venezuela between two presidents.
  • Venezuela: Guido rejects Maduro's call for dialogue, Washington presses for recognition of opposition

On Wednesday, opposition leader Juan Guido declared himself president instead of current President Nicolas Maduro, which was seen as a coup against US support for Maduro's power, which stands firm against all US attempts to oust him. Maduro, who succeeded the late President Hugo Chavez, came in 2013 elections which the opposition says are forged. President Maduro, who holds socialist ideology, has experienced much tension with the United States and its allies, including Venezuela's neighbor Colombia, whom Maduro accused of trying to assassinate him last year.

This American rejection of Maduro came - as the White House says - to suppress freedoms and exclusivity in power, and even though Venezuela is considered to be one of the very rich countries in oil, the people live in abject poverty. America says that the reason for this poverty is the corruption of Maduro and his government, but they forget that they imposed a siege on Venezuela and its people, and imposed sanctions to prevent their allies from importing Venezuelan oil.

Trump said in a tweet that he recognized opposition leader Guido as transitional president of the country rather than Maduro. Trump also called on Western heads of state to recognize Khan as president. Maduro did not keep silent. He immediately announced the break of diplomatic relations with America and gave US diplomats a maximum of 72 hours to leave the country. The debate has not stopped here, but the White House has announced that it is willing to use all its economic and diplomatic leverage to remove Maduro from power and return power to the people. In response, the Americas responded to America's call. Brazil, Canada, Peru, Paraguay and Colombia announced their severing ties with Venezuela.

The strengthening of relations between Venezuela and countries that stand guard against the US side may strengthen their positions and remove the specter of a possible US invasion of Venezuelan territory.

On the other hand, Cuba and Turkey announced that they would join the Venezuelan President and stand behind him in the face of what they called the coup attempt. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed at a news conference his concern about the intervention of America in the internal affairs of Venezuela. On the other hand, called on other countries such as Spain to re-election again to resolve the Venezuelan crisis. It seems that America will not recognize reality, but will try to draw a reality commensurate with its hegemony, throughout its history, America looks like a politician looking at things from a single perspective is diplomacy and dialogue. But it soon became known about its teeth and started its military campaigns against any country that refuses to comply, as is the case in Iraq and Libya.

America, just four kilometers away from Venezuela, is able to re-invade Venezuela as Cuba did with its economic hegemony and its large military power. The political cover will normally be secured by the League of Nations and the Security Council, which has always stood against all those who violate it, and the Council will stand with its members. As for the reasons for the invasion of Venezuela are the reasons that called on America to invade the States that accepted it as follows:

First: Exploitation of the wealth existing in the state, mainly oil, gas, minerals and natural resources, which is the first reason for the invasion of Iraq.

Second, that one of these countries is a threat to the interests of America either at the national national level, as happened with Cuba in the shadow of the Soviet missile crisis, in which America faced the threat of its greatest enemy at the time. Or that this threat is aimed at the interests of America and its international partners, the second reason for the invasion of Iraq. When the late President Saddam Hussein decided to stand by the Palestinians in the face of America's ally Israel began plot to invade Iraq.

Third: America's fear of the formation of blocs and alliances threaten their economic interests and political weight on the world stage.

If we consider the previous reasons, we will see that Nicholas Maduro, or rather his country, is rich in wealth, especially oil, and that it is a socialist-minded state that refuses to bow to America's imperial hegemony. Venezuela also represents one of the countries that try to get rid of American crucifixion, hegemony or dependency. Turkey, China, Russia, Iran and Venezuela and Cuba are among the top countries. Nicholas Maduro, for years, was a solid man whom America could not break. His honorable positions towards the Palestinian cause and Israel's occupation have made him a permanent target for the US administration.

Maduro today faces isolation in his surroundings, which bows all his rulers to America. The way out of the Venezuelan president, as we see it, is to make alliances with countries that are geographically close, especially the socialist countries, headed by Cuba. He must also benefit from the state of tension in Mexican and American relations in the face of Trump's determination to build a steel wall to isolate Mexico. Also to conduct reciprocal visits to high-level delegations and to conduct intensive contacts with countries that stand against American hegemony, which showed that they did not respond to American demands, and here we mean Turkey, Russia, China and Iran. The strengthening of relations between Venezuela and countries that stand guard against the US side may strengthen their positions and remove the specter of a possible US invasion of Venezuelan territory.