News from the island

  • The Israeli occupation destroys the Aqsa TV building in Gaza
  • The incursion into the Gaza Strip .. Do you hit the efforts to calm?
  • Has Israel destroyed its military operations in Gaza?
  • Except America .. International calls to defuse the war in Gaza
  • Video .. Resistance targeting an Israeli bus and threaten the occupation

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his war by bombing the Al-Aqsa satellite channel to give new evidence that the tyrants are always trying to silence the media before they begin to complete their crimes. Before him, Bush thought of bombing the island, while Saudi Arabia executed Jamal Khashoggi and the late Jamal Khashoggi, Which is owned by the Saudi Crown Prince of power, Al-Aqsa does not have zero of the military force of the occupation, but George Bush, Mohammed bin Salman and Benjamin Netanyahu and a long list of rulers and tyrants hold the power of the word and the weight of those who argue, so they bombard them in the field, For execution I am.

Gaza will not enter the consulate of Muhammad ibn Salman and will not sign the deal of the century, and the latter will not be able to treachery as he did to his fellow citizen Khashoggi, Waqta 11 years in the face of the occupier Ghashm necessarily have the ability and strength and the will to thwart the aggressive plan, and plots of regional allies in the region tried to cut To end the issue by forcing the Palestinians to accept the deal of the century, and free normalization, which aims to erase the history and the "cradle" of geography.

Israel continues its aggression on the Gaza Strip, an operation that I did not previously planned but which the Minister of War, Avigdor Lieberman, for the leadership, and his lack of real awareness of the vigilance of the resistance made him offer this adventure

I do not mix the files with each other, but today there are two tracks, a path that rejects the occupation and normalization with it, and a path in the past greeted by war criminals kisses and kisses, Jamal Khashoggi was in the first track and records his recent interviews and records that Palestine has always been "in mind," and that as a Gulf citizen Took an early decision to engage in the Arab national trend that rejects normalization, and the believer of the Palestinian people and its resistance, and the justice of his cause, Khashoggi wrote against the deal of the century, and denounced the normalization, and warned of Zionist projects with Arab faces.

The analyst writes these lines and condemns Arab brothers who have not yet realized that the Zionist project is not aimed at Palestine, but rather the whole Arab world. It does not seem understandable that some Arabs will rush to normalization with Israel while continuing their aggression against the Palestinian people and denying their rights. The Arabs are jumping towards normalization, even without any interest in Israel's response to their Arab initiative, in which they were subject to normalization with a just peace, and without realizing that the closer they got to Israel, the sooner they would end their regimes. Tel Aviv was never a charitable organization, nor was it a future. Its under a large Arab ocean can To swallow it at any moment, and fully aware that the fragmentation of this great Arab nation is the only guarantee for its survival and the continuation of its entity.

As we write these lines, Israel continues its aggression on the Gaza Strip, a process that I did not expect was planned in advance. But the war minister, Avigdor Lieberman, for his leadership, and his lack of real awareness of the vigilance of the resistance made him offer this adventure, but even as I write these lines, Arab capitals continue to arrange for more. The leaders of the Israeli war, in defiance of their people, and the conscience of the nation, and their interests, accept and print free of charge, as the writers and media continue to betray the secretariat of this profession by attaching to this national betrayal, which Arab leaders dragged on the air directly after they were lurking behind closed doors, For modesty, you are reawakening even late? Or fell all the leaves of berries?