Eating in the evening thickens, the tomato drink is poisonous and coffee takes away water from the body. There are many myths about food - but that's not the reason they have to vote. "The reason for nutritional myths are often insecurities, for example when asked if you can eat cheese rind," says Harald Seitz from the Federal Center for Nutrition. What is the legends about? An overview.

Dark bread is healthier than light bread? For cereal products such as bread, pasta, rice and flour, the whole grain variety is the best choice for health, says Silke Restemeyer from the German Nutrition Society (DGE). "Solid wholegrain foods last longer and contain more nutrients than white flour products." But not every dark or grainy bread or roll is a whole grain product. "Rolls can also be grainy with malt extract and grainy with sunflower seeds," says Silke Restemeyer.

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Nutrition: The myth of poisonous spinach

Spinach may not be reheated? That's not true, this nutritional rule is very old. "It comes from times when there was no fridge," says Monika Bischoff, board member in the professional association Oecotrophologie. The problem is not the second warm-up, but the slow cooling: If cooked spinach cools down slowly, bacteria convert non-toxic nitrate into harmful nitrite in the medium temperature range.

Tomato drink is poisonous? The green spots on the tomato contain solanine. "This poison is used by the plant to repel pests," explains Seitz. In humans, symptoms of intoxication such as headache and abdominal pain can occur if they absorb a lot of solanine. But an adult would have to eat a very large amount of unripe tomatoes or stalks.

Coffee deprives the body of water? "It does not hurt to drink a glass of water with a cup of coffee, but it's not necessary," says Restemeyer. Because coffee is like all other drinks included in the fluid balance. Overall, a moderately physically active adult should consume about 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

In the shell of fruits and vegetables are the most vitamins? That's true. Most vitamins and phytochemicals are directly in or under the skin of fruits and vegetables, explains Rememeyer. "That's why it's important to enjoy fruits and vegetables with shell." The advantage outweighs the health hazard of possible pesticides in the shell.

Myth or medicineCan you sleep too long?

Superfood makes you fit and prevents diseases? Only partially true. "So-called superfoods are foods with a particularly high level of nutrients," explains Monika Bischoff. An official definition of the term does not exist. Whether a food really makes you fit and can prevent illnesses depends on the product. "Domestic superfood like kale is healthy and makes you fit," she says. On the other hand, she advises against exotic foods such as chia seeds or acai powder.

Frozen food does not spoil? That's not true. "Freezing is a recommended method of storing food for the medium to long term," says Silke Remestemeyer. By storing at temperatures of minus 18 degrees nutrients, taste and appearance remained largely intact. Over time, however, degradation processes would still take place. They make sure that the food does not taste good at some point. Silke Restemeyer advises: "If you label the packaging directly with the freezing date, quantity and contents, you will have a better overview of your stock."

You must not eat cheese rind? Depends on. The decisive factor is how the bark was created. "Naturally ripened and untreated cheese rinds are edible and give a special aroma, as is the case with noble-mold cheese," explains Seitz. By contrast, artificial cheese rinds made of wax or plastic are not suitable for consumption. "In this case, there must be an indication on the packaging."

Eating in the evening makes you fat? "Those who eat too many calories are on the increase, and those who take in too little calories lose weight," says Monika Bischoff. For healthy people in a normal weight group it is irrelevant when they are taking the food. "If you want to lose weight, you can still try to do without food in the evening," says the ecotrophologist. Many people find it easier to avoid a meal in the evening than, for example, breakfast.

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Myth or medicine Does schnapps promote digestion?

A liquor after eating helps digestion? That's not true, says Restemeyer. Although alcohol stimulates gastric acid production, it may be able to stimulate an enzyme to digest protein in the stomach and has an anesthetic effect on the stomach nerves. "But it does not help with fat digestion." Rather, the digestive tract before the fat split the alcohol once, because he gains more energy in this way. "Soaked in schnapps, fat-rich foods are digested more slowly."