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I am still in the discussion and discussion discussed in the previous three articles on the idea of ​​the independence of the Arab countries and their sovereignty and ownership of its decision, even relatively. I do not think that the argument of those who are more capable than the various levels of knowledge has sufficient strength to refute the idea of ​​the independence of the Arab political entities, even if they are confined to ordinary internal affairs.

An official attests and confirms

In this context, a former Arab parliament speaker, a balanced figure, distanced himself from the hustle and bustle of the statements, clearly speaking of what he felt and experienced personally from the intervention of the American representatives of their embassy in the affairs of his country, even in the election law. A direct relationship with him - as we know - the actual executive authority, and explained that the US Embassy intervenes in the ministries and organizes visits and give guidance, has hit the Ministry of Awqaf, for example, this blatant interference. But he stressed that the issue (the decision to take care of the Americans and abroad) does not concern his country exclusively, but this is the case of the entire Arab region! For many people, the words of a man may be ordinary and classified under a banner (because he is not new) because most people speak it, and it is no longer just an encrypted whisper, the speakers resort to it; it is openly publicly revealed loud and clear.

But we do not talk about the words of a journalist, journalist, writer, blogger, activist, or dissident person living outside the Arab region, but that the position of the man gives the talk importance, and the conclusion of confirmation or confirmation of what people say but actually believe, with That the former official tried to elucidate and hint at his televised speech, but he could only come up with the result: no independence and no decision of the Arab entities, even in partial details of the management of internal affairs, and abroad, specifically America controls these entities!

America's influence and hypocrisy

The Americans allowed, but supported the killings and torture, and the imposition of emergency laws for many years, in the Arab countries, to the extent that some sources confirmed how the Guantanamo detainees are sent to some Arab countries for interrogation

Now this is becoming a Muslim, but the question is perhaps about the extent of the intervention, or about the relationship. What is the relation between the subordinate, the employee, the manager, the hired worker, or the defeated who dictates the conditions? Or worse, and more degenerate in the relationship? It is not surprising that American institutions have a wide influence in the Arab countries than in the United States itself, since some institutions and agencies are prohibited from working within America, and because American laws give wide freedoms to their citizens. In the US administrations, which could lead to the overthrow of the White House, as happened with (Richard Nixon) in the Watergate scandal, or the instigation and bashing, as happened with Bill Clinton after the scandal (Monica Lewinsky).

This is regardless of what is said about the existence of hidden fingers that managed the scandals and their outcomes, and the existence of tricks and cunning schemes may be behind the emperors of the media and the policy of the policy (including Jews) or other mysterious players in matters of politics and security ... Without the nature of society and the atmosphere of American democracy and freedom of expression Because things went that way.

But the Americans did not transfer to the Arab countries the culture of democracy and individual liberties, and the free and bold press, but they were limited to distorted structures and formal manifestations; such as elections whose results are not respected if they come unawares or are openly and shamelessly falsified, To be respected by the organs of the Arab countries supported by the Americans, who practice the worst kinds of lies and political and media hypocrisy as we know.

The Americans have allowed and even supported the killings and torture and the imposition of emergency laws for many years in Arab countries. Some sources have confirmed how Guantanamo detainees are being sent to some Arab countries to interrogate them and extract confessions before returning them to such a reprehensible prison. It seems that the hell of Guantanamo is a paradise with Arab prisons, which are sponsored by the Americans in different ways! The Americans support the Arab dictatorships, either with money or military and logistical assistance, or with political support and providing cover for rich countries. The Arabs are rich and poor under America's political umbrella, which grants him legitimacy and protects the dictatorship of his rule, corruption,

America wanted to replace the tools and systems, and the division of the country again, and created revolutions against the rulers are tools and agents; that is, American tools collided with other American tools!


America favors its tyranny

It is obvious that America is brutally trampling on the slogans of freedom, justice, democracy and the peaceful transfer of power, when it comes to the application - albeit limited - of these brilliant slogans within the Arab region plagued by American-supported tyranny; because the result of free and fair elections in the Arab countries, The existence of Israel, or at least will not accept its arrogance and erudition, will not make its relations and political choices according to its will, and will try to deal with the Americans according to the pulse of the street rejecting their dominance and communion, so that he may refuse to accept even some dictates.

Therefore, America favors repressive autocratic regimes that carry out their demands and fulfill their wishes in order to remain in power (which is my image under American rule) and favor dealing with it. It is afraid to allow the Third World peoples in general and especially the Arab world to choose their rulers and representatives freely and equitably And support and support counter-revolutions, even if it pretended to be with the right of peoples to peaceful revolutions against dictators, evidence that the counter-revolutions were backed by the US, even behind the scenes, where it is not possible at all to the establishment of States and entities under what looks like full American custody, And financing revolutions counter, and fabricating crises, wars and conflicts in the Arab countries signed by the popular revolutions or armed, without taking Aaaza directives but American orders.

However, there are those who consider the revolutions of the Arab Spring to be an American industry and do not shy away from launching the name of the American Spring because it looks at a part of the picture. Some of the leaks of the studied media are true, and it is absent from it - All to see that hypocrisy America has no limits, the last thing you think is to allow the Arab peoples to take their decision. There are those who view the Arab revolutions as American, but from another angle, that America wanted to replace the tools and systems, and the division of the country again, and created revolutions against the rulers are tools and agents; that is, American tools collided with other American tools! And of course this is the words of a liar who lied to successive facts in a place. However, this argument may be related to the issue of conflicting or contradictory US policies on certain regimes or files in the Arab region (except for Israel, which they sanctify of course), which I will discuss later with God's help and will.