The 22nd edition of the Alpe d'Huez comedy film festival opened last Wednesday and will announce its winners on Sunday. An overview of the comedies presented this week ... Which ones export the best abroad? Why is this genre so popular? What does he say about our society?


- Mathieu Charrier , online from Alpe d'Huez

- Audrey Lamy , actress presently at the Festival to defend " Rebelles " Allan Mauduit, where she plays the role of a worker in a cannery.

- Eric Toledano , director of the " Sense of the party " which won yesterday the Comedy Unifrance prize of the Festival of Alpe d'Huez (with notably Jean-Pierre Bacri and Gilles Lellouche). We also owe him with Olivier Nakache "Untouchable" and "Samba

- Guillaume de Tonquédéc , actor in " Roxane " by Mélanie Auffret, with Léa Drucker

- Bruno Cras , film critic