Topic 2: "Barbarin trial: will the Church of France come out of it?"

Ques Fb: "Barbarin trial: in your opinion, will the Church of France come out of it?"

On the third day of the trial of Cardinal Philippe Barbarin at the Lyon Court, the word struggles to break free, but the civil parties reached their first goal: to create an electroshock. The Primate des Gaules is tried with five members of the diocese of Lyon for non-denunciation of sexual assault on minors. Persistent taboo? Exemplary sanction? Persistent omerta? Deep questioning. What will remain of this sequence? Is the Church of France in a position to reform?

- Father Pierre Vignon , Curé du Vercors, former judge at the interdiocesan official of Lyon for 16 years

Co-author of "Never again!", With François Jourdain, who has just appeared at the editions of the Observatory (January 2)

- Jean-François Colosimo , essayist, historian, religious specialist

Author of "Blindness (religions, wars, civilizations)", published by Editions du Cerf (Feb. 2018)

- Jean-Luc Boujon , duplex Lyon Correspondant d'Europe 1 in Lyon