Current events, topics in tune with the times and discovery: two hours to do "The trick of the question". Accompanied by Julie, Wendy Bouchard initiates the debate, invites listeners to exchange live, and surrounds herself with specialists to answer their questions.

Topic 1: "How does the community of the faithful live this mourning Easter?"

A week after the fire of Notre-Dame Cathedral and as Holy Week ends with bloody attacks in Sri Lanka in churches and hotels in Colombo, Easter remains massively celebrated in France and around the world. Believers or atheists, how are these moments of communion lived?

How did our secular society adapt to the beliefs that accompany it? What role can rites still play?


- Odon Vallet , Historian of Religions

- Monseigneur Ribadeau-Dumas , Spokesman of the Conference of Bishops of France

- Jean-François Colosimo , Essayist, historian, specialist of religions, Author of "Blindness (religions, wars, civilizations)", published by Editions du Cerf (2018)

- Delphine Horvilleur , Female Rabbi of the Jewish Liberal Movement of France (MJLF). His last book: "Reflection on the antisemitic question" published by Grasset (2019)