After the heavy snowfall in Bavaria, the last affected region lifted the disaster on the weekend. The district administrator of the district of Berchtesgadener Land, Georg Grabner, declared the exceptional situation to be over.

During the ten-day disaster, around 12,000 task forces from the district and all of Bavaria were in action, it was said. The helpers had freed about 1,600 roofs, especially from private houses, from the snow in order to prevent collapses. The disaster was proclaimed in early January because of extreme snowfall in five Bavarian counties.

Highs around three degrees

Greater snowfall is not expected by the German Weather Service for the next few days. However, it remains frosty at the beginning of the week, the meteorologists said on Sunday. Temperatures on Mondays will reach three degrees on the coasts and minus three degrees in the south and higher altitudes. In many places the sun should shine.

In the night of Tuesday it can snow in Vorpommern, otherwise it remains largely dry. Temperatures drop to as low as minus ten degrees in the highlands and zero degrees on the coasts before rising to levels between zero and three degrees a day.

Unobstructed view of the moon

Also during the day it stays mostly dry. Only towards evening snowfall is possible in the west. On Wednesday, clouds will move across the south and the center of Germany, but only occasionally bring snow. For the coming weeks, the meteorologists expect Siberian cold.

For Moongucker predicts the DWD good chances to observe the total lunar eclipse in largely cloudless sky. However, those who wanted to watch the spectacle on early Monday morning had to dress warmly - and get out of bed early. From 5:41 clock on the moon lies about one hour completely in the shadow of the earth and shimmers reddish.