It was not surprising that most of the followers of the invitations to the so-called "influential" were disappointed. What happened during the opening of the Asian Nations Cup a few days ago was repeated in most sports, social and other events, In the distribution of VIP cards, is a continuation of the inverted phenomenon experienced by institutions, which adores the publicity and photography.

Suppose there is a certain religious occasion, would it be reasonable to invite VIPs to the able artist Vivi Abdo, to be a guest of honor? Or will it be limited to other invited guests, including senior officials and those interested in such events? For example, would it be logical to send a similar formal invitation to the Liam's saleswoman at Instagram because the number of her followers is estimated at hundreds of thousands?

The natural answer is that their invitation will not be appropriate, not because they are repugnant, but because there is certainly no link between the occasion on the one hand, and Vivi Abdo and Liam's saleswoman on the other hand, As a "fascist" or socially influential, although the subject of influence is not always positive and can not be categorized as influential, who can add to us what is useful or new.

Many of us do not have any problem with these, and we do not mean a media or a representative or a specific person, each one of them provide what he offers according to his thought and appetite, even if it does not suit us, and will remain a personal freedom, regardless of the manner of some of the famous to be famous Some people follow him to take pride in him, and others follow him because he "does not know how to swallow." This, of course, does not negate the presence of positive celebrities who offer what is useful, and in different ways that benefit the public.

The threshold is directed at the parties, which believe that these are good example, and that the promotion of any occasion or effectiveness can not be done except by them, so that many of the people of achievements and history in the service of the nation, which makes me always surprised, elders and leaders keen to honor the owners Accomplishments .. While some believe in honoring owners of trivialities!

Senators and leaders are keen to honor the achievements.

Twitter: @almzoohi

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