The yellow Vests of Douai have their double of Jeff Tuche. The man, from Dechy (North), slipped into the skin of the character played by Jean-Paul Rouve to harangue the protesters, megaphone in hand. The videos of his offbeat speeches posted on the Internet have already exceeded one million views.

Wig, costume, voice: everything is there. A man disguised as Jeff Tuche was recently noticed in the middle of a group of Yellow Vests, in Douai (North). Megaphone in hand and yellow vest on the back, this inhabitant of Dechy (North) multiplies the slogans with a humor worthy of that of his model, the personage incarnated in the cinema by Jean-Paul Rouve, reports France 3 Hauts-de-France . The video of one of his speeches posted on Facebook already counts more than 1.3 million views.

"I worked less to earn more"

Shot Saturday, November 24, she shows the fake Jeff Tuche wearing a yellow vest harangue the crowd with his megaphone. "Me at first, I worked less to earn more," "If you have the potato, you have the potato" or "Vote Jeff Tuche and everything will be fine," launches the North under the laughter and applause other demonstrators.

"I went down the street to support the vests," says the troublemaker in the video. His unexpected success obviously inspired him since a second video posted Saturday, December 1 on the networks has been seen more than 1.2 million times.

"Macron, you have to stop saving yourself. Okay ? Because I'm on the ground, I'm not here to laugh, " said Jeff Tuche de Douai, speaking directly to the President of the Republic. "I'm the president next time. Must vote, " concludes the Yellow Vest.