The Saarbrücken district court found guilty of an 18-year-old who threw an unconscious 16-year-old into the Saar. The victim did not survive. The perpetrator has now been convicted of manslaughter to a prison sentence of seven years.

The 18-year-old had beaten the teenager in April in a dispute over drugs on the banks of the river. The defendant recognized the court as saying that his victim was motionless and completely defenseless. "If you then throw such a person into a body of water, you accept at least approvingly that he drowns and thus dies," said the presiding judge.

The sentence for juvenile justice was still above the request of the prosecutor who had applied for six and a half years of juvenile detention for the defendant. The defender of the 18-year-old, who had assessed the act as a personal injury and death sentence and demanded a suspended sentence, announced to challenge the verdict.

The defendant, who had remained silent throughout the trial, took note of the verdict without any apparent reaction.