Ex-banker and investor Anthony Scaramucci made headlines as White House Communications Director in 2017 because US President Donald Trump fired him after just ten days in office. Now he moves into a new house: From 21 January, he should be a houseguest in the US show "Celebrity Big Brother," report US media.

In the show produced by the US broadcaster CBS, celebrities live in a TV studio set up as a home and are thus under surveillance day and night. In the US, the television program "Big Brother" has been produced annually since 2000, the celebrity version is this year, however, only in the second season.

10 days, 10 quotes

Anthony Scaramucci was only briefly Head of Communications of the White House - but time has been enough for memorable moments. An overview in ten quotes.

Start quotes: Click on the arrow

Scaramucci will be one of 12 show contestants battling for $ 250,000 in prize money. According to the US magazine "Hollywood Reporter" Scaramucci was acted by CBS as a "big surprise".