While many are trying to lose excess weight, others suffer from the problem of underweight, which usually goes from thin to below normal.

The following is a group of the aunt that helps to gain weight healthy, without harming the body according to the site of the Arab:

1 - Potatoes: The best choice for healthy weight gain, they are rich in carbohydrates, fiber and vitamin "C".

2 - whole grain bread: It is a good source of carbohydrates, and it is rich in fiber and useful nutrients that can increase the weight of a little if eaten heavily.

3 - peanut butter: Eat peanut butter is one of the easiest ways to increase weight without harm to health, and is rich in proteins.

4 - Cheeses: the body supplies vitamins, minerals and proteins.

5 - Full fat milk: One of the most important things that help to gain weight to stop the use of skimmed milk products and rely on full-fat products and retain their nutritional properties and benefits of vitamins and fats useful.

6 - Red meat: It is rich in minerals and good fats, which will help to give the body some weight if taken two to three times a week, but should not be multiplied so as not to harm health.

7 - Butter: Add a little butter to meals throughout the day, without much harm to health.

8 - Eggs: Taking the whole egg provides the body with good cholesterol and large quantities of vitamins A, D, and "E", and eggs can be added to your daily meals to get good results.

9 - Bananas: Bananas can be used to get energy quickly, it is rich in potassium and carbohydrates and beneficial nutrients needed by the body. One banana contains about 100 calories.

10. Salmon: Adding salmon rich in protein and minerals to your meals two or three times a week will help you gain a little weight and strengthen your immune system.

Many food items are included in the list of high-calorie foods without harming health, such as pasta, which is rich in carbohydrates, dried fruits, sugar-rich fruits and rice.