Dirk von Lowtzows bookshelf is white, in three parts and is complemented by accurate stacks of books behind the door and on the coffee table. Promisingly arranged with the cover to the front is the poetry book "Zweifel" by Herbert Schuldt, furthermore works by Hans Henny Jahnn can be seen, much Hubert Fichte, of course Thomas Bernhard, Truman Capote and three books to Yves Saint Laurent - the fashion designer is in Dedicated to Lowtzows book debut the letter "Y": "From Dachsbau" is a kind of encyclopedia with short, often autobiographical texts on alphabetically arranged keywords.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. von Lowtzow, which system do you use to sort your books?

Dirk von Lowtzow: System? There was one. Literature was on the right, and art books on the left. But now everything has mixed. I have now started to read more e-books. I like to read in the dark, and such an e-book is its own source of light. And with an e-book you can crumble nicely under the blanket. Otherwise your arms will always be so cold.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: What were the first adult books that you read at home in the Baden province?

von Lowtzow: Definitely something smart to say. But when I was about ten or twelve, I discovered fantasy and science fiction for myself. The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien was translated into German for the first time. Based on that I also saw many fantasy movies. "Conan the Barbarian" with Arnold Schwarzenegger for example - I thought that was cool!

imago / Prod.DB

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan


by Lowtzow: Fantasy is perfect for a time when you still stand with one leg in childhood and want out with the other, in bizarre adult worlds like Trash and Pulp. Fantasy is so glorious in violence, that fascinated me a lot. In addition, it was a good way to differentiate from parents and senior 68 teachers. Someone like "Conan" author Robert E. Howard was hated by them because his works are actually crypto-fascist.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: You have become known as a musician, write the lyrics at Tocotronic. What moved you to write the book "From Badgering"?

von Lowtzow: I wrote the first lyrics just for me, as a guide to the last Tocotronic album "The Infinity". Its central piece "Unrecoverable" tells the story of the early death of a close friend. As I wrote this, I noticed how much I would like to give him longer literary texts because it was a traumatizing experience to see him die so early. He still haunts my head many times. I often dream of him. I found a nice starting point for a book.


From Lowtzow (right) with the band Tocotronic

SPIEGEL ONLINE: On plates, you have always avoided the very direct level. Now call names. Not only the one of the deceased friend - Alexander - but also that of a woman - Jutta. What prompted you to become so concrete?

von Lowtzow: As part of Tocotronic I put the songs to the vote. If it were too private, my bandmates would wave. Already in "irretrievably" we have discussed for a long time whether this is beyond the limits of discretion or not. In the book, too, it was important to me to build the texts so that a state of limbo arises between discretion and openness. I did not just want to talk about it, not because I was ashamed, but simply because the book should not be an anecdote treasure chest.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: What were your role models in writing?

von Lowtzow: I do not want to compare myself to anyone there, but there are some literature in Germany that is in the realm of reality, but has its ghostly moments. At Peter Weiss about "farewell to the parents" or "vanishing point". Even Walter Benjamin tells in his "Berlin childhood around 1900" always spooky, almost ETA Hoffmann-moderate from that time. I always liked that. I perceive reality for myself. I often see the scary in everyday life.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: When, for example?

von Lowtzow: When I enter a hotel room and do not know exactly what to expect there. Then I check: Are there any traces? Where are the cables going? What's that funny rug? Something like that. I also run around a lot, that is also expressed in the book. I am a walker. Go to my thoughts and talk to yourself. The in itself create a certain unreality.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Is the soliloquy for you an escape from the loneliness that you experience when you work freelance?

von Lowtzow: It is certainly also a method to prevent panic in situations in which one is lonely, or has this feeling, there is an abyss, or you just do not know how to structure this day. If you have anxiety attacks, everyone advises you: Go and talk. Walk and talk. But if you talk to yourself, you assign your own thoughts for future talks.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: They describe how you try to escape the loneliness by traveling to remote spa hotels.

von Lowtzow: Yes. Bad Schandau! For a while I often traveled by train between Prague and Berlin, which in itself is quite funny because it is so old-fashioned. The on-board restaurant is still cooking properly! Since I have always noticed this great Belle Epoque-style spa hotel on the other side of the river. At some point I got off and stayed. Around Bad Schandau is the Saxon Switzerland, a fairytale, fantasy-like landscape. Such places are otherwise found only in the actual Switzerland.


Hotel Waldhaus in Sils-Maria

SPIEGEL ONLINE: about the legendary Waldhaus in Sils-Maria ..., the Max Frisch, Thomas Mann or Kurt Tucholsky estimated.

von Lowtzow: I'd love to go there, but despite the long-lasting success in the music business - I can not be honest - it's not my price class.


Dirk von Lowtzow:
From the Badgerbau

Publisher Kiepenheuer & Witsch; 192 pages; 20 Euros

Order at Amazon. Order from Thalia.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: The book also shows: You are a perfectionist and Ordnungsfanatiker. An entire chapter about limescale!

von Lowtzow: Lime is a very nice word. It sounds so threatening, you think of "calcified" or "Das Kalkwerk" by Thomas Bernhard. The decomposition of life must be combated! So then creates a cleaning mania. But of course that's totally hysterical and crazy.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Cola appears prominently in the book as her favorite drink. About Coke you also know: She is a good decalcifier. You get freed up with cola clogged toilets again!

von Lowtzow: Well, before I dump them in the bathroom, I prefer to drink them.

(Dirk von Lowtzow now pours another glass of Cola Zero.)

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Coke was not allowed to drink as a child. Anyway, many things that are mentioned in the book - fantasy literature, comics, and just Coke - are based on the idea of ​​distinguishing themselves from the parents: So you have remained child.

von Lowtzow: Yes, of course. This is called Renitenz. I am also rock musician!