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When they finished lunch, in one of the student dormitories, one of them said, "Praise be to Allaah. The second was only meant to be eloquent, but his words were remarkable. It was the energy of reverence and reverence as exclusive characteristics of faith in God. How could it be an institution of tyranny and political slavery? The pattern of dominion in our world is amazing, and it seems not only the product of the power and the power of the rulers, but also a secret that seems to me to be deeper: tyranny is closer to religion than abstract thought.

In the East and other countries they worshiped the rulers as real slaves, and now people worship God, but there is a German thinker such as Eric Fromm who sees that the state of possession and mania by the people of certain systems and leaders and the consequent reverence and subjugation makes us doubt that within the structure of the unconscious in these There is a religion that is as idolatrous as the cult of kings, and that religion is still present, even with the belief of those nations that they worship a rationalistic, monotheistic worship.

He points out that if we want to understand how such systems as fascism, Stalinism, or leaders in the Third World are, millions of people are ready to shout, praise and sacrifice for them, whether they are wrong or wrong, it is inevitable to see that in their monotheistic bondage a lot of falsehood, , Connected to the leader, or to those who offer him the rituals of fear and pride and greatness.

Our people continue to rebel and shout and pretend for a hero or a savior, receive with all their freedom and dignity .. Until it becomes nothing, they flirt in it

Arik From Atheist People do not judge people religiously by faith and disbelief, but they analyze the roots of tyranny from the perspective of psychology, and try to explain why people fall short of sanctifying the rulers, and abstain others. Fromom believes that the worship of leaders as a form of paganism is still effective in the depths without realizing it, and it is shining in some peoples if the climate and the context that ignites it, and tyranny in his opinion a picture of paganism. Erik of Pagan knows that it is not the belief in multiple gods; but the worship of what we do: things on the road like stones are plundered by all our dreams, emotions, strength, and purpose, and then enslaved after we have completely lost any inner meaning or value. Whenever the idol becomes strong the slave becomes poor.

Our people are still harassing and cheering and pretending to be a hero or a savior, receiving all their freedom and dignity. They love to see their leader great, in his heels, in his clothes, in poetry, hymns and melodies, while the depiction of grandeur, in the ghost that holds pictures and fields, is the pleasure of slavery, and the pleasure of obedience, Hegel saw that this tendency of the Oriental rulers Make faith in God lose its usefulness. The greater the pleasures of the people of slavery, the more the ruler went on Sundays and absolute individualism, and overthrew the rule of the Constitution and the law, and impersonate the attributes of God where it creates by force and power and greatness, and these qualities when embodied the people take away the forces of worship and sabotage, and conduct in the corridors of tyranny.

It is remarkable that the clerics whose mission is to direct the faith to Tawheed are the same ones who exercise their guidance towards the sanctification of the leaders. This was done by Christianity when it made the emperors the shadow of God, as did some jurists through the jurisprudence of the guardian. It is a principle that exists in the prophetic and rational era, and until now the Islamic and Christian clergy still resort to the prophetic analogies and their praises to the leaders of our region. The wonder is that belief in God is their difference, while faith in the leader and their unity.

Monotheism against tyranny

Arik Frum is surprised by the ease with which the monotheistic monotheistic religions retreat to a more primitive form of religion, such as the cult of the chiefs or ideologues, and wonders whether the function of monotheism is to save people from the alienation of tyranny. Is not the worship of God proof of falling into the captivity of the leaders or the golden calf? The story of the retreat of monotheism into political paganism is famous in the Scriptures. The Qur'an tells of the Children of Israel, who went out with Moses from the bondage of Pharaoh's bondage, where God freed them, but they did not bear the burden of monotheism, nor the ideas of the Apocalypse that saved them from the Pharaoh's worship.

Arik Fromm explains that the principle of monotheism frees man from the families of the symbols of idolatry or leadership he makes and praises in their name; because monotheism is a metaphysical idea from outside this world

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The Koran said that the idol of the leader did not die in conscience and that primitive religion mixed with their blood, after they exceeded the sea asked Moses to establish them an idol, said the Koran: something and idolatry like in the subconscious of the Israelites and "drink in their hearts love the calf." In Islamic history, we have found patterns of political deception, in which some caliphs are created when they are inspired by the fact that they are governed by God and that they are God's successors on earth. Some of them, such as my father Jaafar al-Mansur, said: I have remained God on earth, and poets of the Mahdi Fatimid address him: judge you are one of the most powerful, and there are those who criticized the addition of the Imam's doctrine of doctrine, where taught the attributes of God,

Because unification is a metaphysical idea outside of this world, and requires the monarch to place rulers and nature in the framework of slavery, and not to waste any part of the energy of submission and awe for a creature , Especially if he is made by his hands, faith must depart to his heavenly way. The truth is that the Sufis wrote a lot about the hidden shirk that is established for the domination and political slavery, says Sidi Abdel-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah be pleased with him: "Everyone who relied on it is your God, and all of his lightness and desire is your God, On his hands he is God. "

Democracy of Monotheism

Unification means the subordination to God alone, and the fulfillment of that certificate ground that prompts us to oppose and revolve against all those who claim to have the right to control or surrender, because his claim sought to attack those monotheistic rights of God

Political paganism is linked to the monotheistic discourse, especially in its lofty political manifestations. Unification means that God alone holds proof of all the meanings of Oneness. In order to complete that exclusivity, we must strive for diversity in all that is beyond Him. We must rebel against any creator of monotheism and deny any authoritarian political image, be it the one-party state or the leadership of the individual president. God alone has absolute authority, which monopolizes the truth, and everything that is below it is multi-relational, subject to opinion, dialogue and debate, and whenever we see a person or party or authority unique opinion or claim absolute truth, we must strongly oppose it because it wore some morals of deity.

The unification means the subordination to God alone, and the fulfillment of that certificate on the ground that prompts us to oppose and revolve against all those who claim to have the right to command or surrender, because his claim sought to attack those monotheistic rights to God, it is uniformity to violate all those who curse the people, Pure for one. All attributes of pride, greatness and eternity are exclusive to God, qualities of majesty, beauty, and true unity that prevent their downfall on the earth in institutions or personalities, but rather create the political and constitutional systems that inhibit it.

It is monotheistic to do the means of constitutional control over the rulers, because only God is the one who "does not ask what to do," then must fight the tendency of rulers to avoid accountability and oversight. The essence of democracy is a good guarantee to repel any tendency for political disintegration in the regimes. They make God united in his place. He makes the ruler a man who is not devoured by the robes of deification.