Spectacular find at Manila airport: Filipino security forces have secured a total of 1529 turtles. The tapestried animals were alive when officials found them on Sunday evening in four suitcases left behind. This was announced by the customs and airport authorities. The bags were therefore one of Hong Kong arrived passengers.

Among the rescued animals were therefore star, Köhler and spurred turtles and red-eared slider turtles. "The passenger may have been notified of the airport's vigilance with regard to illegal wildlife trafficking and the penalties for leaving four lighted bags in the arrivals area," the Customs said.

AP / Bureau of Customs

Glued turtles in a carton

After the suspect will now be searched. If he is convicted of attempted smuggling in the island state, he faces a fine and up to two years imprisonment. The Philippine government has long been fighting against the smuggling and illegal trade of wild animals. The turtles were handed over after their release to the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection of the country.