Disney, who made this announcement, did not reveal any detail on these three feature films.

The universe " Star Wars " is not ready to stop. While episode 9 " The Rise of Skywalker ", which will put an end to the original saga started in 1977, will be released next December, Disney has already announced the release of three new films in the years to come . These feature films will arrive on screens from December 2022, one every two years. Disney, which bought Lucasfilm in 2012, did not give any details on these future " Star Wars ".

A new trilogy or separate episodes?

Two new separate trilogies are planned in the prolific universe created by George Lucas, one by the designers of the series " Game of Thrones " and the other by Rian Johnson, who directed episode 8 " The Last Jedi ". But we do not know if these three new films scheduled for 2022, 2024 and 2026 will constitute a trilogy in their own right, alternate episodes of the two trilogies or include autonomous episodes, in the manner of " Rogue One: A Star Wars Story " or " Solo ".

It was precisely after (relatively) disappointing recipes from " Solo " that Disney's big boss, Bob Iger, wanted to slow down the quasi-industrial rhythm of the release of the films of the " Star Wars " universe. From six films in 38 years, the pace has risen to four in two and a half years, between " Awakening the Force " in December 2015 and " Solo " in May 2018.

"Avatar 2" postponed by one year

Disney studios have also announced Tuesday to postpone for a year the release of the sequel to " Avatar ", the film of James Cameron, which still holds the record box office receipts ($ 2.79 billion), threatened however by the super-heroic performance of " Avengers: Endgame ". " Avatar 2 ", "which develops the fast-paced world of Pandora", will be released in December 2021, " Avatar 3 " in December 2023, and so on until " Avatar 5 " in 2027, says the release of Disney.