Thomas Sotto turned the page of Complément d'enquête and opens this Thursday, September 27 on France 2 that of L'Émission politique, where he joins Léa Salamé. Together, they will interview Edouard Philippe and alone, he will present a sequence shot at Matignon, in the office of the Prime Minister.

For the first political broadcast of the season, Thomas Sotto and Léa Salamé form a new duet and ask their questions to Edouard Philippe, Prime Minister. The former morning presenter in Europe 1 invited himself to Matignon for a sequence entitled Behind the Door .

Are you happy to change the registry?

This is both a change of register and a return of things since I have already done quite a lot of interviews with politicians on the radio on Europe 1 or on television for Capital . What is new for me is the duo we will train with Lea Salamé and it's quite exciting. You know my taste for tennis, it will be a team of mixed doubles: the advantage is that when one is at the net, the other is at the bottom of court. It is very pleasant as an exercise.

How is your association with Léa Salamé?

We did not know each other and the contact went well right away. She called me the first time in late June or early July to tell me that she would like to work with me, I did not expect at all. I appreciate his rigor and his work. She has a spontaneity and this ability to ask the questions people ask is important. I often listen to France Inter in the morning. Lea is someone who ticks the boxes, she goes where we want her to go. She resonates with society, she is in her time.

You will lead with Léa Salamé the big interview, at the beginning of the show. It seems that you also went to turn to Matignon ...

Yes, for a sequence called Behind the Door . I went to Edouard Philippe's office in Matignon for an hour. I first discovered his office all alone and then he arrived, it's me who welcomes him in his lair! [Laughs.] What we want is for the show to give both political answers but also to get to know a little better the characters who govern us, or those who aspire to do it when it comes to opposition people.

When will this sequence intervene?

Just before the last game and the duel of Édouard Philippe with Laurent Wauquiez, president of the party Republicans. It makes you want this poster! It's an interesting game. They are part of the same political family but have many disagreements. It will tell a lot of what the right is today, there will be clarifications on the political positioning of each other. I look forward !

The Political Broadcast , at 9 pm on France 2.