What does a sunbather do when autumn approaches? The former "Modern Talking" singer Thomas Anders uses a home remedy for this.

"To put it in a nutshell - I have a sunbed myself and no longer have to go to a tanning salon," said the 55-year-old from the "Augsburger Allgemeine". "Every now and then I warm up in the winter when I come home freezing."

Last time he had been on the tanning bed in April. Even at the time of "Modern Talking" on the side of Dieter Bohlen was his well-tanned skin Anders' a trademark.

He also talked to the newspaper about the relationship with Bohlen. This was incidentally limited to the music. "When we broke up, it sold well, because apparently a friendship broke up, but we were never connected privately."

The band was finally dissolved in 2003. Previously, Anders and Bohlen had made music as a duo from 1983 to 1987. After a first separation followed in 1998 her comeback.

In the video: Modern Talking reloaded! - The doppelgangers in the lawsuit
