Several aspects of students study abroad, analyze and differentiate them, from tuition fees to the type of academic programs offered to the environment that awaits the student and the factors that characterize the cost of living and the characteristics of culture, language, circulation, climate and others, in order to determine the most appropriate destinations for international students and features, It is about the best cities that an international student can choose to spend his or her study. In view of the most specialized sites in the analysis of student cities and their educational, cultural and economic environments, we will find a difference in the centers of these cities within categories that have been neglected or neglected. Biting the characteristics of cities that can have a positive or negative impact on the student's study experience, what are the most important of these classifications? What are the best student cities for this year?

How to trade between student cities?

The TimesHigherEducation website ranks the best student cities on the number of world-class universities (in-class centers) in the city that have ranked among the top 200 universities and the top 500 universities in the rankings of universities around the world. Tokyo ranks fourth among the best cities for students, but another ranking of the world's most expensive cities has shown that Tokyo is the world's highest city in terms of cost of living, a negative factor that could cause it to drop out of the list of students who cover their living costs without outside help. 2

On the other hand, the QS classification was based on other and more comprehensive criteria for classifying students' cities around the world. The requirement to enter the city in comparison with other student cities has a population of over 250,000 and at least two of its universities have advanced positions in the list The annual rating, the most recent list of which was studied by the site supervising the classification of 125 cities. 3

Until 2016, these criteria were divided into five sections: the classification of the city's universities, the student mix, the employment activity, the desire and the affordability of living. The classification then added a fifth criterion called "student opinion." Some of these criteria included various factors to measure the value of the criterion , And given each standard a certain percentage of the final grade that will be obtained by the city and will be compared to other cities based on, what is the nature of these standards? How did she calculate her rate?

QS methodology in classifying student cities

For the first QS standards, the universities have achieved the following criteria: The number of universities in the world is divided into three categories: , And the location of the best in the city, and the centers achieved, there are a number of points corresponding to each center achieved by the university, for example: if the university ranked one of the top ten in the classification of "QS" Universiade of the Universiades, it means 100 points, and so on.

The level of student mix is ​​reflected in the number of students in the top universities, the size of international students in these universities, the proportion of international students to the total number of students in these universities, the tolerance of the environment and the ability of students to integrate into them. Their lifestyles and identities

The third criterion reflects the desire of international students to reach a particular school destination or city based on specific factors: safety, amount of pollution, size of corruption, city level in the Globalization and World Cities index, The Economist Intelligence Unit's Liveability Index, and finally the degree to which the city obtained the search conducted by the site to find out the city of dreams for students and whether they could live in it. The research collected the views of more than 50,000 students, To measure opportunities for students After graduating in the city and the extent of the recruitment of operators on the graduates, and divided into factors to the number of operators who indicated the existence of at least one university in the city graduate students and the number of international operators who revealed the existence of at least one university graduate students and the amount of employment of young people in the country Where the city is located. 6

The fifth criterion examines the ability of students to afford the cost of schooling in the cities covered by the classification, as reflected in the factors that weighed the tuition fees imposed on international students, the cost of living in the city, the city level in the Big Mac Index, "The iPad Index". Finally, the sixth criterion contains more than 50,000 responses to international students asking questions about their student experience in different student cities, specifically with respect to some of the previous criteria such as job availability and the percentage of those who wish to stay in their cities for a period of At least one year after graduation. 7

Best student cities for 2018

In the past three years, student cities have witnessed a marked difference in their rankings. Two cities in the top ten rankings continued to progress until one reached London in the first place of the year, moving from fifth place in 2016. The second city of Munich reached sixth place This year after it was ranked 11th in the 2016 ranking, and other city centers have varied between progress and decline. What cities followed London in the rankings?


The city of London is at the top of QS for the best student cities of 2018, becoming the first student city. According to Topuniversities, London has 17 universities within the QS category, "University College London, the world's seventh-ranked university for this year, and although the fees charged to international students at its universities are twice the fees for local students and are around $ 21,2008, a number of these universities offer international scholarships Such as the granting of international research at the King's College London.


Tokyo ranked first in the ranking of career activity in student cities, ranking second in the ranking of students' desire among students, and Tokyo ranked first in the rankings, according to Topuniversities. The University has 14 universities in the QS class, most notably the University of Tokyo, with an average tuition fee of $ 6,700. The city's universities offer scholarships to international students, including private grants and government grants such as: Grants to the Japanese government.

University of Tokyo


After falling in the QS rankings for the best student cities last year, the Australian city of Melbourne reverted to the third place in the rankings this year. The city has seven universities in the QS ranking, the top of which is the University of Melbourne and ranked third in the "Student Opinion" rating. The site notes that tuition fees for international students at its classified universities Up to US $ 23,000, 10 but there are plenty of government and private scholarships that allow international students to enroll in all Australian universities, including graduate research grants at the University of Melbourne.

The list of the top five student cities for this year has been completed in the cities of Montreal and Paris, thus reflecting international competition in attracting international students to student classifications as well as international universities.