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A group of friends sit around a table enjoying a conversation, each sipping their favorite drink of coffee or tea or another. Another friend organizes them, then hardly sits down until they welcome him in words like "The philosopher" or "Welcome to the Fahim" In order to break the path before him to engage in any boring talk about serious subject, or exercise on the group the weight of his blood and his idea "ignorance" and intelligence "stupid".

Such attitudes are frequently encountered in our daily lives, as they are repeated in comedies, but the latter continues to distort the thinker or the thinker and categorize him as an exception to the rule that refuses to enjoy life, in order to create a dual "thought or pleasure." Such as the character of the student Ahmed in the Egyptian drama "School of the rioters," or "Ross" in the series "Friends" famous American produced by "Netflix".

I just refer to an example of Eastern and Western without going into the details of the characters and positions that are exposed because of their fame and examples are numerous and can not be limited. Producers in general argue that they describe society as it is and do not seek to advocate a particular direction. Whether they believe it or not, they perpetuate the negative phenomena by repeating them. The snowball continues to roll, affecting society in comedic production and the latter continues to guide society.

Why does society make fun of thought and thinkers?

It is true that humor is aimed at everyone and sees some irony in anything, which is a healthy human phenomenon, and may be considered essential, but to become a public taste, this indicates imbalance in this society

Jokes, jokes, jokes, jokes, jokes, jokes, jokes, Often, the victim is a person, a group, an idea or a belief.

But the concern is not to be a victim of humor in thought, but the spirit of thought itself is represented by thinkers, and what is meant here is thought in its general sense without paying attention to the trends it carries. Every person is able to engage in an objective discussion that addresses current issues, no matter how scientific. It is true that humor is aimed at everyone and sees an area of ​​irony in anything and everything, which is a healthy human phenomenon. It may even be considered a necessity, but it becomes the general taste and the predominant tendency to break into every discussion within a society, especially the intellectual debate between the so- This indicates a imbalance in this society reflected in an unconscious reaction rejecting the thought caused by defeatism and surrender to reality and inability to completely think of change.

The impact of anti-intellectual comedy in society

In many situations, thought is aimed at making fun of a recipient, so that humor and thought become a direct adversary. In the pursuit of mobilization, each party attempts to extend its control over the media, especially the visible one. Where he won a landslide victory and sat on the throne of visual media. And achieve the highest percentage of views, especially in the Arab world.

It is no secret that the ability of visual production to influence society. There are a variety of forms and methods of anti-thought and the goal here to highlight one of them is television comedy because they are large-scale consumption - whether by television or the Internet - by what can be called "ideologically hostile." What is meant here is blinding comedy, not satirical programs, which are often politicized.

"This is an age of madness," Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud says in his book, "Is it an age of madness?" "The psychological impact of television is compounded by the fact that we are receiving programs and we are in a state of relaxation. In the propaganda political or politicized speeches are in a collision and this leads to a kind of balance between them. Often the recipient is aware of the different directions, but the risk of "innocent" comedy, In that it addresses the unconscious of the recipient who seeks in general to laugh and enjoy only without reservation as well as analysis or criticism. The use of anti-thinking comedy to inform the various strategies in influencing the masses creates a collective unconscious that adopts the exclusion of thought from society, and the words of thinkers from their surroundings and push them to keep their minds for themselves, or practice in a space that is just aggregated collective driving.

We have become an intellectual society that is cynical to achieve the pleasure of separation from reality and unconsciously to get the euphoria of the elimination of responsibility, and promotes the inevitability of escape from decision-making

communication Web-sites

Instead of society being a thinker who sometimes practices humor, it becomes a cynical society that rarely practices thought. Which contributed to the rise of the populist discourse again, and became a powerful speech that leads countries' orientations and determines their policies even called advanced and adopts the intellectual discourse. This is thanks to the eighth strategy of the Ten Strategies for Subjugating Peoples to the American thinker Noam Chomsky, who states: "To encourage the public that it is natural and common to be ignorant, stupid and uneducated."

Swimming with or against the current

It is regrettable to see some of the self-employed intellectuals who are short-minded in pursuing the policy of swimming with the current, in order to provide the effort and achieve acceptance among their communities, by abandoning the problems of society and the tendency to recognize that they are inevitable and irreversible. To contribute to the creation of an intellectually distributed society that uses cynicism to achieve the pleasure of secession from reality. It unconsciously acquires the ecstasy of absolving responsibility and promotes the inevitability of escaping decision-making.

But if an anti-intellectual comedy is mobilized by mobilizing the masses in its aggression against society and its ability to influence as many people as possible in order to create a vast current, the thought - fortunately - mobilizes a resistance movement of particular thinkers as they crowd into libraries and meet in cultural clubs and web communities , And penetrate schools and universities with the weapon of thought that recruited them, and provided them with the advantage of their understanding of their opponents and study them to reflect the masses even oblivious to themselves. It is a battle that does not accept neutral parties because neutrals, even if they do not fight thought, are idle and that is an anti-intellectual goal.

In the latter the reader may wonder "what is required?" The answer is simple: swimming is contrary to the tide of the masses; it is not a pure rebellion and a starvation outside the squadron for fame, but inspiration for the court verse: " But most people do not know ." Then the knowledge that there is no limit to thought and that there is always room in the mind of the idea acquired from a book, an experience you know in a novel, a view you understand from an article, a solution inspired by scientific research, inspiration touched in a poem or vision acquired by serious dialogue .. Change and Reform Blocks. Also, the subconscious is subjected to a lot of nonsense in the form of comic tempting and poisoned if consumed, not because the crap poison tucked in honey, but because it is pure poison but sweet taste, so it is obligatory.