A study by researchers at the University of Birmingham, the British, that the reason for the decline in mental performance of many people is due to their sleep pattern is very late, and called the style of "sleep owl", which causes less interaction between the parts of the brain, which controls the tasks of mind, It also makes it difficult to perform daily tasks.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham surveyed the brains of 38 people, some of whom slept late, while others slept at night, watched for 16 days and measured the level of melatonin produced by the body during the night. Those who slept late had the worst performance of the day, Especially in their reactions to anything that happens to them.

The researchers tested the study sample by asking them to press a button that shows a dot on the screen. The British newspaper quoted researchers as saying that those who sleep after midnight and early morning have produced bad results in the test. Researchers believe that those who get to bed too late in 5 working days within a week, will see a change in their brains, resulting in negative results.

"Many are struggling to deliver better performance during work or study hours, but the results are usually level," said study co-author Ellis Childs. "There is a need for greater understanding of these issues in order to reduce health risks and increase productivity. It is believed that about 15 percent Of people sleep on the "Owl Pattern", 15 percent sleep in the "bird-bird" style (wake up early and sleep early) and sleep in moderate times between the two previous patterns.