The Dubai services have been characterized by the provision of smart services, no dispute, and the electronic customer service, through telephone applications, and unprecedented, and this achievement deserves everyone's thanks and appreciation and praise, but the local departments also competed between each other in the transfer of services to all Telephone applications. Although this is theoretically a good thing, it is practically ineffective.

The result is that there are more than 1600 phone applications and more for the various services provided by the local Dubai community, which means that they can not be all available in one phone to any dealer, which means that not all applications are required, and it is impossible to use them all, It may not be worthwhile!

In addition, despite the large number of applications, the harmony and coordination between local departments "electronically", or through applications, do not exist or at least suffer from obvious weakness. Although many transactions are linked to more than one local district, The client has to move from one application to another, from one location to another, then from one circle to another to complete his treatment, while it is never necessary for these trips and movements, if there is a lot of coordination and linkage in many transactions!

This was noted by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, so his directives were clear to the Dubai Smart Government, in short all these applications and facilitate the delivery and completion of transactions for the auditors and the public from one window, in addition to canceling all papers in all transactions, It is reasonable for the local departments to provide all their services and transactions electronically and through smart phones, and there are one billion sheets annually printed in those departments, we can feed 15 million hungry!

This new challenge has made officials in Dubai's smart government change technological thinking and get out of the box to create a new idea: to turn services from smart applications into life-based life experiences - a comprehensive and unified route for all the services a client needs in a given field. The many departments that provide these services, and it does not matter whether it is from the government or private sector, this is not the client, but a unified service that will cut it all!

After extensive study, the experiments were planned according to the two areas of life: the individual experiences of mobility, real estate and work, moving to and from Dubai, recreation, education, family, psychological and physical comfort. There are business experiences related to services, areas of life and the experiences of traders. Apply my phone in just 72 life experiences.

In order to further clarify who wants to own a car in Dubai, it needs licensing, registration, insurance and financing. In the current situation, it will have to use more than four applications, in addition to reviewing several destinations. In the future, Such as the Roads and Transport Authority and Dubai Police. Education institutes and search engines will find a vehicle. It will also find insurance companies and banks, which will be able to obtain a driver's license, a car, finance, insurance, purchase and car registration.

This is the new shift, and this is the true concept of the smart government that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum wanted when he said: "I want a government that provides its services 24 hours in seven days, a government that does not sleep and reaches the client wherever it is."

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