A man in Florida was killed by a bird that is considered "the most dangerous bird in the world," local media reported Saturday.

It is the second largest bird in the world after the ostrich and its native country of Australia and New Guinea.

The fire authorities in the province of Alchao told the newspaper "Genesville Sun" that Malik al-Shibnam fell on Friday at his farm near the bird with big claws before the bird attacked him, and the man was taken to hospital where he died later.

According to the San Diego Zoo, he is considered "the most dangerous bird in the world". He has three toes, each with a dagger-like claw and a middle finger of 4 inches [10 cm]! The rabbit can injure any predatory animal or anything that represents a potential threat with one quick strike, "and the length of the southern flank can reach 1.7 meters.

The state wildlife authorities said the man was raising the bird, which is popular with exotic bird collectors, according to the newspaper.