The WebTV The Media filed two complaints against X after the disappearance of material and administrative documents when the departure of its former director of publication, Sophia Chikirou.

The management of the webTV The Media has filed two complaints against X for theft after the departure of its former leader Sophia Chikirou, said Tuesday its new director Aude Lancelin, confirming information from Radio France and Mediapart.

These complaints against X, filed Thursday, follow the disappearance of material and administrative and financial documents within the premises of the webTV in Montreuil after the departure of the cofounder and former director of publication of the Media, Sophia Chikirou in July for to deal with the communication of La France unsubdued, according to the two media.

Since then, Sophia Chikirou and the Media Production Company have multiplied the invective on social networks and notices through their respective lawyers.

"I am accused of a theft committed more than three months ago, one wonders how the current direction of the Media realizes the flight three months later," reacted on Monday Sophia Chikirou in a video.

@ SylvainTronchet and @AnttonRouget are still missing their shots by accusing me of stealing @LeMediaTV.
My reply: reveal everything on the folder and dismount the #FakeNews.
> To watch the video:
> Documents:

- Sophia Chikirou (@ SoChik75) October 29, 2018

Self-billing charges

Sophia Chikirou claims in particular the payment of an invoice of € 67,000 for various services provided by her company Mediascop to the Media from January 2018 to July 2018, plus claims for damages and payment of legal fees, more than 120 000 € in total. She assigned the Media by bailiff in September to obtain payment of this sum.

But on the side of the webTV, the former director is accused of having self-billed benefits and the new management indicates that it reserves the right to file a complaint for abuse of social good.

Also former director of communication of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Sophia Chikirou, was heard a week ago in the investigation on the presidential campaign accounts of LFI.

"One can also wonder why this date of October 25, two days after my last audition: this complaint is not it a little opportune? Has not there been some intention to add, to dirty? She defends herself.