News from the island

  • A bomb officer was killed near a church east of Cairo
  • Bolton in Israel to reassure her about the US withdrawal from Syria
  • Invitations to demonstrate today in Sudan and the government warns of "sabotage"
  • Bashir to ask him to step down: Prepare for the elections of 2020
  • Newspapers: Because of Israel, Egypt sought to prevent the broadcast of the interview, "CBS"

Repression and oppression in our society takes a hierarchical form, starting from the top of the pyramid down to the bottom. Many oppressors and oppressors persecute those who are under them, so that it is up to the person who is in the bottom. When he finds no one to persecute him, the animals. This behavior, even if it seems primitive, expresses the rejection of oppression and oppression, because when a person can not resist and push those pressures on him, or even determine his real adversary resort to fight his imaginary opponent, Vishafi Almgoa in the person who is below him and delayed his energy, then survive When a woman oppresses society, she resorts to the persecution of her children or herself, or daughters of her sex even, and when this is not cured, her husband resorted to the persecution of religion and the stabbing as we will show it.

The woman produces a woman and remains a woman, as Simone de Beauvoir said: "A female does not have a woman but a woman." There is no difference between her and men because they have been created from one thing. In our society, in particular, the horrors of torment are the result of the practice of the male society, which is then made up of both parties. The nature of this society is the one that deprived it of its rights, which is required by Shari'a, and transformed the woman from a full human being into a creature for pleasure and for the continuation of sex.

This creates a inferior view of women and is inferior to men. If society, by its very nature, justifies such practices because it has a religious heritage that is misused, especially if this user is male, women make that man their first adversary and forget or forget; That it was the nature of society that made him think of that masculine mentality, whether those thoughts were ready in his living life, or that he had accumulated over the years through that judgment and the stories we receive every day.

We do not want to underestimate the value of Arab women on the right path to be liberated. They must expand the interest of Arab women working in all magazines

Women resorted to repressing their children, and sometimes resorting to teaching her daughter the discrimination she suffered because she is a female in patriarchal societies and cultures that distinguish between male and female, where she works to raise her daughter to accept that discrimination and to raise Her brother to practice against her. Or resort to self-suppression, whether disappeared under the veil in the name of freedom and is ignorant of the reason for wearing the veil even, or violated the name of freedom and does not know the meaning of freedom, in both cases fell into the trap of reducing itself to a mere body, and through this the woman in those practices hateful For her daughter and for herself, and for all the daughters of her sex as well.

If we analyze this phenomenon psychologically, we find that the origins of hostility lies in the hatred of the young girl for her own undefined under the weight of an unconscious comparison that she makes about the different physical structure of the structure of the male, and then drop it (involuntarily) on the likes of females at a young age (and women in the grave) , Coupled with that self and an economy in the charge of negative feelings associated with hatred of the self in the subconscious mind, according to psychologist "Sigmund Freud" and this ball continues to affect the feelings of females even in their adult lives.

As the majority of women remain confined to the house in their childhood and this "childhood" settle with many, even if they are adults and almost never leave, because they receive reinforcement of the masculine system that puts women at that site to facilitate their control. And when the woman did not heal the humiliation of the persecution of her children and herself, wanted to fight and found the nearest wall in front of it is the man who is the cause of many of the scourges that go through and since most of these men are arguments religious texts that did not understand the truth and then abuse, It is not wrong, but wrong society as a whole, whether male or female or jurisprudent or ruler.

Because most of the infidels in religion, but enter from those gaps left by the scholars did not speak it, as well as in our interpretation of religion and texts wrong, we must as a whole to see women to their role, and educate. Because the true enemy of women is ignorance and wrong socialization, and the real woman's friend is consciousness and knowledge. The slogan of women's emancipation is also used by women's movements, which are considered to be the goal of women's emancipation. They are mostly women only, if their role is not beyond their scope because they place women in the face of men, so that they misjudge the true opponent, And a desire for liberation and may sacrifice for it, but in the latter remains unable to achieve its goal, which does not diverge from the feminine environment, in fact must be shared by men and women in the liberation of society from the oppression does not differentiate between the male or female.

Since the real liberation lies in the liberation of society, women should be engaged in those subjects that have lasted only for men, not to be disguised under false slogans and within a circle that the society may impose on its traditions

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For example, if we look at the number of Arab women who have won the Nobel Prize, we will find only two: Nadia Murad from Iraq and Tawakul Kerman from Yemen. , In the area of ​​peace only, even if this award is not a standard. But if we look at the women of the West even if they had encountered a male society at the beginning, so that women would not have registered a invention in their name, they should have registered it in her husband's name, and signed with Albert Einstein's first wife, Theory of relativity, but in the latter denied.

But when they had the opportunity to break that restriction, we find that women had the goal of liberating society. There is no way to liberate women without the liberation of society. This is reflected in those inventions that were owned by women. Such as "kwilek stephanie", which manufactured bulletproof jackets, and Austrian actress "Hedy Lamar". Otherwise, there was no such thing as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Mobile, although it was represented as having developed a communications system that America considered a secret weapon that helped it during the war But after the war, the modern communications boom, such as mobile, Wi-Fi, GPS and satellite communication, as well as Marion Donovan, who invented baby diapers, and then established the famous partner pampers, was completed.

We do not want the lack of value of Arab women more than her vision on the right path to be liberated, as it should expand the interest of Arab women working in all magazines, especially women writers, since most of what they write is based on the feminist idea where these writings remain locked in their circle, That the real liberation lies in the liberation of the society to be engaged in those subjects that lasted only for men only, not to hide under false slogans and within a circle that the society may find its traditions.