Today in Sochi, the next Russian Grand Prix "Formula 1" will begin. This championship is not without reason is considered one of the main attractions for everyone who is not indifferent to gasoline, asphalt, rubber, crazy speeds and self-confident men in heat resistant overalls.

All Russian fans, of course, were very pleased with the arrival of the championship in Russia in 2014. But did we get the "Formula" we wanted? Have not there been fierce dueling in the past, real risk and rivalry to the last centimeter of the track? Did we already get an empty candy wrapper from candy, which is full of logos of sponsors beyond any measure?

Attractiveness of the "Formula-1" has always been in the competition of people and technology. After watching the video from the first person, you begin to seriously doubt the limits of the human capabilities of the pilots. This is especially true of narrow urban routes, where there is practically no room for error, and the requirements for concentration and accuracy of driving are simply incredible.

Around the pilots there are huge and complex mechanisms of teams with multimillion-dollar budgets and the best specialists in various fields - from physiotherapy to aerodynamics. Here, real rock stars are team leaders and even engineers. But the main characters of the "Formula-1" - this, of course, the pilots. It sounds cooler than racers or just drivers. The entire activity of the body of the team focuses on two hours of their work. Fans all over the world freeze, watching the battle of the characters of these young and not very multi-millionaires.

Is this technical and marketing grandiose excess in the world, where there are so many more problems? Of course, but in the same vein as the state space programs. This is both a bright show, and a testing ground for the last wonders of engineering thought. Observe how the most modern technology is used to organize a circus with motors, at least very curious.

Of course, the modern "Formula-1" is very emasculated and it is not in vain accused of excessive commercialization and the accompanying "combing" and security.

Previously, it was considered a sport of gentlemen - and gentlemen could afford a glass of wine and a cigar before the start. Now imagine this is impossible. But, at least, the tradition of pouring champagne on the podium after the finish has not gone anywhere.

Perhaps, the matter is that the title of the main world motor sport event obliges. For fans, this is something like the Olympic Games or the world championships in a variety of other sports. Such status is not acquired overnight - here plays a role more than half a century of history of the "Formula" and the teams participating in it for decades. It has its own mythology, its pantheon of gods, insider jokes and subcivil intrigues.

And if the history of the world championship "Formula-1" begins in 1950, then its origins lie in the beginning of the XIX century. Then the first European Grand Prix races started. Two stages even passed in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg - in 1913 and 1914. That is, in 2014, "Formula-1" returned to Russia exactly a century later. Such wonderful historical coincidences are an important part of the attractiveness of this sport.

As for risk, Formula-1 still continues to take the lives of pilots from time to time. In 2014, the pilot of the Anglo-Russian Marussia team, Jules Bianchi, failed to manage his car and crashed into the tractor, which cleaned the car of another departed pilot. Despite the efforts of doctors, Jules died after spending several months in an artificial coma. It was the pilot's first death in 21 years as a result of the accident in the race. Of course, the risk to life adds "Formula" pepper, but, probably, even the most bloodthirsty fans of the sport will agree that the high security requirements and the rarity of such sad events is only a plus.

The current Sochi race deserves attention, because including its results will affect who will get the title this year. After changing the regulations in 2014, the championship team dominated the factory team of the Mercedes-Benz concern. And this year Ferrari finally was able to impose her fight. For a while the Italians even led, and now, after a series of setbacks, they are again a little behind. But in the calendar, in addition to Russia, five more stages - more than enough to break out again.

In general, despite some well-founded fears, "Formula-1" remains not only a milestone in the sports world, but also a remarkable example of human activity in general. Rivalry, shows, technology, history, traditions and just a great way to spend the weekend unusually on the Black Sea coast.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the editorial position.