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On the 31st anniversary of the first Intifada, the blessed uprising of stones, which was the revolutionary spark in which jihadist acts were founded, and the banner of the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist enemy, which occupies the land and violates the offer with impunity. On the first day, one of the Zionist settlers attacked a group of workers by ramming their car with their truck, killing a number of them and injuring others, igniting the anger of the Palestinians and forcing them to take to the streets and squares and confront the Zionist soldiers in their centers in the Palestinian camps.

At the beginning of this Intifada, the most prominent event was the announcement of the launching of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas on 14/12/1987, which worked to develop this Intifada along with the other Palestinian factions and factions at the time. During the early years of the Intifada, the Palestinian organizations combined different types of resistance and developed From its means, although simple, the uprising has evolved from throwing stones and Molotov cocktails into the knife and dagger, and then firearms and bombs through various explosive devices. One of the most important means in that intifada was the use of martyrdom operations with belts FH and car bombs.

Yes, the first Intifada was the beginning of the Palestinian resistance in its various forms, in which all the factions participated. All were united in the resistance action that revived the Palestinian cause and returned it as a first issue to the Arab and Islamic worlds. The Palestinian resistance, led by Hamas, has played a pivotal role in the development of the Intifada through the search for means of resistance. Research and development has continued to this day, in which the resistance is able to confront Zionist arrogance and to defeat its leaders through its strategic and sophisticated systems and means of warfare.

The failure of the resolution to condemn the Palestinian resistance but did not fall, will not rest with the Zionist enemy, but the implementation of the decision of the international community that the resistance terrorism

The Palestinian resistance, as it began, has developed and acquired many systems (the various missile systems, the air defense system, the offensive and defensive tunnels system, the intelligence system). The resistance also possessed a sophisticated range of technology, including drones, A wide range of expertise and competencies among its ranks. This development in the performance of the resistance and its means has distracted the enemy of the Zionist enemy and its allies and allies, through what possessed the means and logistical possibilities and military techniques made them the forefront in responding to violations of the enemy and characterized by high experience on maneuver and flexibility in planning and possession of information.

This development and high accuracy in the information about the targets and missiles hit the enemy looking for new ways after it failed to bring down the resistance by war and military confrontations and reached the conviction that there can be stability of the state without eliminating the resistance. It came to the international forums, America has submitted a draft escape condemning the Palestinian resistance, led by Hamas in the most important of those forums is the United Nations, this project has been voted and resulted in the approval of 87 countries and the opposition of 57 countries and abstaining from voting 33 countries, It was satisfactory to anyone but this project was stopped and the decision was canceled despite the harshness of the result.

Yes, the decision failed to condemn the Palestinian resistance but did not fall, will not rest with the Zionist enemy only the implementation of the decision of the international community that the resistance terrorism, this arrogance and this force was inspired by the Zionist enemy as a result of Arab and Islamic fragmentation and Palestinian weakness resulting from the division. On the anniversary of the first intifada and the first spark of the Palestinian resistance, such decisions must be dealt with by national unity and circumventing the option of confrontation united in the field of fighting and in the field of diplomacy. The sincere efforts made to thwart the resolution deserve our people's praise and respect. In the failure of this decision from our Arab and Islamic countries and the friends of the Palestinian people from the West, as well as to the Palestinian diplomacy, which was able to rally this support to thwart this decision and stand as a damning shield, but the Zionist arrogance Zionist American.

On the anniversary of the first intifada, the uprising of the stones, the anniversary of the start of the Palestinian resistance and the beginning of its development, we wish the martyrs who were killed during the years of ignition, which numbered about 1500 martyrs, and salute the thousands of prisoners who were arrested during their participation in its activities and the thousands of injured and do not forget the salute to resist the legitimate Palestinian people not by UN resolution, Under occupation.