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Andalusia has witnessed many crucial and historic battles in its destiny, which were the dividing points in the life of the nation. Although battles such as the Valley of Lekha and the tiles of martyrs, zodiacs and arches have strengthened the status of the state and increased its power, the battle of punishment was the beginning of the total collapse of the great rules of Andalusia. After the glorious victory achieved by the Almohads rulers of Andalusia and Morocco on the crusaders of Andalusia in the Battle of Ark in 591 AH under the leadership of Abu Yusuf Yacoub Mansur Almohadi, the corner of the Crusaders of appeasement waiting for the opportunity for the rebirth again.

Alfonso VIII, since the defeat of the Great Arch, longed for revenge for his defeat and the washing of his shame, which disturbed his life and the period of his reign, when the eruption of the revolution of the sons of Ghana and they are the parents of the Almoravids, which ruled Andalusia and Morocco before the Almohads, in eastern Andalusia and North Africa, This revolution, from 595 AH until 607 AH, the year in which Alfonso VIII decided to attack Andalusia again, there was a high spiritual mobilization in the army of the Christians, led by the Pope in Rome himself, they declared a crusade, and they have painted on it colors of Greatness.

Alfonso began his crusade against Andalusia by removing the deep divisions between the three Christian kingdoms of Castile (Lyon - Aragon), which was a direct cause of the defeat of the mighty Crusaders in the battle of the Arches, and thus the countries of Europe have united, and the number of their armies is 200 thousand Christians, Signed between them and the Muslims.

Al-Nasser declares Jihad:

The Crusader armies besieged the fortress of Rabah, which was owned by Muslims after the site of the Arc, and was led by the famous Andalusian leader famous Abu Hajjaj Yusuf ibn Qadis

The resumption of the Spanish Christians for their destructive conquests in the lands of Andalusia had a profound impact on the Almohad state. The Caliph Al-Muhadi Al-Nasir decided to go to Andalusia and sent his books throughout Morocco, Africa, and Qibla. He gathered the Mujahideen from the Maghreb and Andalusia and the army reached a great number, which some accounts brought to half a million, although we see in this number a great exaggeration in relation to the historical circumstances of that period.

The Way to Punishment:

In Shaaban in 607 AH, al-Nasser came out with hundreds of thousands. Al-Nasir went to the religion of God with his army from the Maghreb and across the Strait of Gibraltar, then went to Seville in the last argument in the year 607 AH, and there joined him large numbers of soldiers of Andalusia, and then to Salbatra, and then returned to Seville, and then went to punishment, Punishment remained a period in the appearance of Gian, and knew the area of ​​punishment by the name of the existence of an old palace had that name in that area, which is where the site was signed, and was - and praise God - a name on the name, was really a punishment of Muslims for many irregularities, appeared Some of them previously and the rest will appear sequentially.

Al-Nasir entered the land of Andalusia with this great number of Muslims. In his first military action he besieged the fortress of Salbatra. It was a large and very fortified castle with a small number of Christians. This fortress was in the hands of the Crusader Templars. But the immunity of the castle prevented the Muslims from opening it, so Nasser almost exceeded it; however, the Minister - al-Zaim - Abu Said bin Jameh insisted on the need to open the castle remained the armies besieged until opened after 51 days of siege.

It was because of this work done by the Prophet to the religion of God that the following happened :
First: wasting time in the siege of the fortress of Salbatra, and it was possible to attack the Christians with this thick army before they gathered in their entirety.
Second: the Christians completed their preparations during this long period, and were able to bring in other large numbers of Europe.
Thirdly , thousands of Muslims were affected by the frost of the mountains of Andalusia at the time; Muslims began to die from the severity of the cold, and the intensity of exhaustion in this long siege.

Lining the bad and killing the Andalusian leader Abi Hajjaj Yusuf bin Qadis:

The opening of this castle had a strong impact on the hearts of the crusaders, especially Alfonso VIII, of great importance to them. He decided to attack Rabah castle and was the counterpart of the fortress of Salbatra in importance and status among Muslims. The Crusader armies were besieged by the Crusades of Rabah, which was owned by the Muslims after the site of the Arc. It was headed by the famous Andalusian leader Abu al-Hajjaj Yusuf ibn Qadis, may God have mercy on him. He was one of the famous Andalusian leaders. Rabah fortress was besieged by the Christian armies. The siege until Abu Hajaj Yusuf bin Qadis realized that he would not escape it, as some of the walls in this fortress began to crumble in front of the army of the kingdom of Aragon.

Abu al-Hajjaj Yusuf ibn Qadis returned to Nasser to the religion of God, and when he learned that he had left the castle of Rabah and delivered it with supplies and weapons to the Christians, he was referred by the Minister of Bad Abu Saeed bin Jameh to kill him; for failing to protect the castle

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Abu Hajjaj Yusif ibn Qadis wanted to achieve security and safety for those in the fortress of Muslims, and wanted to join the army of Muslims, he offered the Christians a treaty to leave the castle full of supplies and full of weapons, to come out he and his companions of Muslims safe, Alfonso agreed to This offer, and began the withdrawal of Abi Hajjaj Yusuf bin Qadis from the fortress and with him from the Muslims, and they went to the army of Nasser to the religion of God.

Because the feast was not limited to Alfonso VIII, the withdrawal was opposed by the European Christian army allied with the Castilian army. They thought that they came from the farthest countries of Europe, England, France and Constantinople only to kill Muslims; they should never be left to leave. This safety led to the anger of the Crusaders and this anger grew so that many of them split and left Alfonso VIII and returned home. And thus withdrew from the site of the punishment and before the direct engagement of fifty thousand Christians, and became the army of Muslims after this withdrawal fold the army of Christians.

When he returned Abu Hajjaj Yusuf bin Qadis to Nasser to the religion of God, and when he learned that he had left the castle of Rabah and handed over supplies and weapons to the Christians, the Minister of Bad Abu Saeed bin Jameh pointed him to kill him on charges of failing to protect the castle, did not hesitate to the religion of God to execute the killing Commander Mujahid Abi Al - Hajjaj Yusuf bin Qadis. And this - no doubt - to make a great mistake of the Prophet to the religion of God, and unjustified action, and add to the total of his previous mistakes:

First: that the father of the pilgrims Yusuf bin Qadis did not mistake this withdrawal; but was a fighter for the fighting, as if he stayed for the destruction, and if not perished, would have been diverted his forces from participating in the site; because of the siege imposed on them.

Secondly: On the assumption that the father of the pilgrims, Yusuf ibn Qadis, made a mistake, it is not possible at all to punish this killing, especially because he did not intend to kill him.

This incident has had the worst impact on the morale of the Islamic armies. In this context, Al-Maqri says in Al-Tayeb: "This punishment is the punishment for Andalusia and all of Morocco, and that is only for poor management. The men of Andalusia who know how to fight the Franks underestimated Nasser and his minister. Some of them, and corrupted the intentions, it was the bishop of the Euphrates, and God prevailed over his command, and did not after - after the punishment site - the Muslims list of praise.