The castle, which played an active part in various aspects of the entertainment industry including gag woman, actor, singer, etc., had the third wedding ceremony in China.

Sung Eun-chan posted several pictures on his SNS on the 10th of his "SNS:" This is the third wedding in my brother's hometown. Rural wedding! May 18th is the last Nepal wedding! "

In the open photo, Sung Chan wore a Chinese traditional costume and wrapped a corolla on his head. I also sat in a flower pot or took a friendly pose with my husband.

Sung Eun - chae ran the first wedding gown at a resort in Shenzhen, China on December 22nd last year. He had a wedding ceremony in Korea on January 6 this year, and this time he once again performed a Chinese traditional wedding ceremony in his husband 's hometown. The castle is also preparing a fourth wedding ceremony as Chae predicted "May 18th is the last Nepalese wedding". It is said that this is according to the will of her husband, Buddhist believer in Nepal.

Sung-eun Chae's husband is a 13-year-old Chinese businessman, two of whom met for the first time with the introduction of the former Ulaanbaatar market in Mongolia.

Sung made her debut as a gag woman in 2007 as MBC 16th bond comedian in 2007. He also made an album as a singer and appeared in the movie "Go to the Rose Inn" in 2013.

[Photo = Sung Chul Chung Instastagram]

(SBS funE)