The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region will reduce the tax on fuel by 20%, announced Laurent Wauquiez this Thursday to our colleagues from La Montagne.

The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region will lower its fuel tax by 20%, announced Thursday its president LR Laurent Wauquiez to the regional daily La Montagne .

"For each full load, motorists will benefit from a drop of 10 cents. It is very symbolic and I am aware of it. But the government is only canceling increases. We want to show him that if he applied the same rules of public spending, he could lower taxes on a different scale for all French, " said the president of the Republicans (LR) on the website of the newspaper.

A loss for the community of "17 million euros"

Under the so-called "Grenelle" portion of the domestic consumption tax on energy products (TICPE, ex-TIPP), the region receives an annual revenue of "85 million euros" .

In this context, the decline announced by the president of the region, applicable at the end of the year, represents a loss for the community of "17 million euros" , the daily figure.

"But I will write to the President of the Republic to ask him to amend the finance law and the decline is effective immediately , " said Laurent Wauquiez who also wants to completely remove the tax. "In two years," says the daily.

"I do not give lessons to others. I do it because my region is the best managed in France, " says President LR who will be present Saturday at his home in Haute-Loire.

"So let everyone make an effort"

"I, in my region, I am ready to lower taxes on gasoline [...] provided that the President of the Republic, he on his side agrees to stop the tax increases he decided" , said the head of Republicans at the microphone of France Inter last November 7.

"So that everyone makes an effort and that it allows to stop this madness in which we are, where we dress with tidy ecologists a speech that is just to fill the coffers of the state to the detriment of power purchase of the French, " he then added.